`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`4 December 2014 (04.12.2014)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2014/193547 Al
`International Patent Classification:
`HO4L 27/26 (2006.01)
`HO4W56/00 (2009.01)
`International Application Number:
`InternationalFiling Date:
`11 April 2014 (11.04.2014)
`OLSON & BEAR LLP, 2040 Main Street, Fourteenth
`Floor, Irvine, CA 92614 (US).
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`Priority Data:
`15 April 2013 (15.04.2013)
`3 May 2013 (03.05.2013)
`17 July 2013 (17.07.2013)
`28 August 2013 (28.08.2013)
`1 November 2013 (01.11.2013)
`10 April 2014 (10.04.2014)
`Ip Administration, 5775 Morehouse
`Drive, San Diego, CA 92121-1714 (US).
`Inventors: VERMANI, Sameer; 5775 Morehouse Drive,
`San Diego, CA 92121-1714 (US). TANDRA,Rahul; 5775
`Morehouse Drive, San Diego, CA 92121-1714 (US).
`MERLIN, Simone; 5775 Morehouse Drive, San Diego,
`CA 92121-1714 (US). SAMPATH, Hemanth; 5775 Published:
`Morehouse Drive, San Diego, CA 92121-1714 CUS).
`with international search report (Art. 213))
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY,
`BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM,
`KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME,
`MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ,
`SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM,
`TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM,
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ,
`UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU,TJ,
`TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK,
`KM,ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`FIG. 5
`(57) Abstract: Systems, methods, and devices for wireless communication are disclosed herein. One aspect of the disclosure
`provides a method of transmitting to two or more wireless communication devices. The method includes transmitting a first section
`of a preamble according to a first format, the first section of the preamble containing information informing devices compatible with
`the first format to defer to the transmission, transmitting a second section of the preamble according to a second format, the second
`section of the preamble containing tone allocation information, the tone allocation information identifying two or more wireless
`communication devices; and transmitting data to the two or more wireless communication devices simultaneously, the data con -
`tained on two or more sub-bands.
`HEtoneallocation downlink packet implementation 1:
`E-LTF (-N2)
`(user 1 tones)
`(user 1 tones}
`(foruser 1 onuser | tones)
`AWE-L'LF (1-N2)
`L-SIT (user2 tenes)|(foruser2 on uscr2 tones)(user2 tones)
`{1 or more
`{all tones)|{all tones)| (all tones)
`(1 sybo)) upee symbols)
`(all tones)
`(user3 tones) (user 3 tenes)|(foruser3 on user3 tones)
`HE-LTF (1-NA)
`{user 4 tenes)
`(user 4 tones}
`(foruser4 onusertones)
`Optional beamforming from kere
`cos oe
`24 bits
`24 bits
`24 or more bits
`< constellation
`2 bits bandwidth
`‘2 bits user
`pecitic timestreams,
`16 bits user specific modulation type
`6bits Group LD (all ones for SU}
`4 bits user spcuitic codmg type
`6 dits tail (alll zcr0s)
`12 dits user specific tone «llocation
` 8 bits CRC


`WO 2014/193547
`The present application relates generally to wireless communications, and more
`specifically to systems, methods, and devices to enable backward-compatible multiple
`access wireless communication. Certain aspects herein relate to orthogonal frequency-
`division multiple access (OFDMA) communications, especially in the IEEE 802.11
`family of wireless communication standards.
`In many telecommunication systems, communications networks are used to
`exchange messages among several interacting spatially-separated devices. Networks
`may be classified according to geographic scope, which could be, for example, a
`metropolitan area, a local area, or a personal area. Such networks may be designated
`respectively as a wide area network (WAN), metropolitan area network (MAN), local
`area network (LAN), or personal area network (PAN). Networks also differ according
`to the switching/routing technique used to interconnect the various network nodes and
`devices (e.g., circuit switching vs. packet switching),
`the type of physical media
`employed for transmission (e.g., wired vs. wireless), and the set of communication
`Internet protocol
`SONET (Synchronous Optical
`Networking), Ethernet, etc.).
`Wireless networks are often preferred when the network elements are mobile
`and thus have dynamic connectivity needs, orif the network architecture is formed in an
`ad hoc, rather than fixed, topology. Wireless networks employ intangible physical
`media in an unguided propagation mode using electromagnetic waves in the radio,
`microwave, infra-red, optical, etc. frequency bands. Wireless networks advantageously
`facilitate user mobility and rapid field deployment when compared to fixed wired


`WO 2014/193547
`The systems, methods, and devices of the invention each have several aspects,
`no single one of whichis solely responsible for its desirable attributes. Without limiting
`the scope ofthis invention as expressed by the claims which follow, some features will
`now be discussed briefly. After considering this discussion, and particularly after
`reading the section entitled “Detailed Description” one will understand howthe features
`of this invention provide advantages that include efficient use of the wireless medium.
`One aspect of the disclosure provides a method of transmitting to two or more
`wireless communication devices. The method includes transmitting a first section of a
`preamble according to a first format,
`the first section of the preamble containing
`information informing devices compatible with the first
`to defer
`to the
`transmitting a second section of the preamble according to a second
`format, the second section of the preamble containing tone allocation information, the
`tone allocation information identifying two or more wireless communication devices;
`and transmitting data to the
`two or more wireless
`communication devices
`simultaneously, the data contained on two or more sub-bands.
`The first section of the preamble may include a one-bit code on a Q-rail which
`indicates a presence of the second section of the preamble. The second section of the
`preamble may include a signal field using the second format, the signal field comprised
`of at least three orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing symbols, and wherein a
`third symbol of the three symbols is a rotated signal which indicates a presence of the
`second section of the preamble. Transmitting the second section of the preamble may
`include transmitting one or moretraining fields according to the second format to each
`of the two or more wireless communication devices, the one or more training fields each
`configured to be used for accurate frequency offset estimation, time synchronization,
`and channel estimation. The method may further include assigning one or more spatial
`streams to each of the two or more wireless communication devices, and wherein
`transmitting one or more training ficlds
`includes transmitting one training field
`according to the second format to each of the two or more wireless communication
`devices, the numberof training fields based on a numberof spatial streams assigned to
`the respective wireless communication device.
`The method may further include
`assigning one or more spatial
`to each of the two or more wireless
`communication devices, and wherein transmitting one or more training fields comprises


`WO 2014/193547
`transmitting a number of training fields to each of the two or more wireless
`communication devices, the number of training fields based on a number of spatial
`streams assigned to the wireless communication device which is assigned a highest
`numberof spatial streams. The second section of the preamble may contain information
`sufficient to inform devices of a tone allocation granularity of the transmission. The
`information sufficient
`to inform devices of a tone allocation granularity of the
`transmission may comprise a bandwidth of the transmission,
`from which devices
`compatible with the second format may determine the tone allocation granularity of the
`The information sufficient
`to inform devices of a tone allocation
`granularity of the transmission may comprise a code ofat least one bit in a signal field
`indicating the tone allocation granularity of the transmission. The tone allocation
`granularity may comprise an indication of the bandwidth size of each of a number of
`sub-bands. The second section of the preamble may further include an indication of a
`number of sub-bands assigned to each of the identified two or more wireless
`communication devices. The second section of the preamble may include a signal field
`according to the second format, and wherein a first symbol of the signal field is
`transmitted in duplicate in each of a plurality of channels and contains information
`identifying an entire bandwidth, and wherein a subsequent symbolof the signal field is
`transmitted using the entire bandwidth.
`One aspect of the present disclosure provides an apparatus
`for wireless
`communication. The apparatus includes a transmitter configured to transmit over a
`bandwidth, configured to transmit a first section of a preamble according toafirst
`the first section of the preamble containing information informing devices
`compatible with the first format to defer to the transmission; transmit a second section
`of the preamble according to a second format, the second section of the preamble
`contaming tone allocation information, the tone allocation information identifying two
`or more wireless communication devices; and transmit data to the two or more wireless
`communication devices simultancously, the data contained on two or more sub-bands.
`Thefirst section of the preamble may include a one-bit code on a Q-rail which indicates
`a presence of the second section of the preamble to devices compatible with the second
`format. The second section of the preamble may include a signalfield using the second
`the signal
`field comprising at
`three orthogonal
`multiplexing symbols, and wherein a third symbol of the three symbols is a rotated


`WO 2014/193547
`signal which indicates the presence of the second format signal field. The transmitter
`may be configured to transmit
`the second section of the preamble, comprising
`transmitting one or more training fields according to the second format to each of the
`two or more wireless communication devices,
`the one or more training ficlds cach
`configured to be used for accurate frequency offset estimation, time synchronization,
`and channel estimation. The transmitter may be further configured to transmit to each
`of the two or more wireless communication devices on one or more spatial streams, and
`wherein transmitting one or more training fields according to the second format
`comprises transmitting a training ficld according to the second format to cach of the two
`or more wireless communication devices, the number of training fields based on a
`numberof spatial streams assigned to the respective wireless communication device.
`The transmitter may be further configured to transmit to each of the two or more
`wireless communication devices on one or more spatial
`streams, and wherein
`transmitting one or more training fields according to the second format comprises
`transmitting a number of training fields to each of the two or more wireless
`communication devices, the number of training fields based on a number of spatial
`streams assigned to the wireless communication device which is assigned a highest
`numberof spatial streams. The second section of the preamble may contain information
`sufficient to inform devices of a tone allocation granularity of the transmission. The
`second section of the preamble may include a second format signal field, and wherein a
`first symbol of the second format signal field is transmitted in duplicate in each of a
`plurality of channels and contains information identifying an entire bandwidth, and
`wherein a subsequent symbol of the second format signal field is transmitted using the
`entire bandwidth.
`FIG.1 illustrates a channel allocation for channels available for IEEE 802.11
`FIG.2 illustrates a structure of a physical-layer packet (PPDU frame) which
`may be used in an IEEE 802.1 1a/b/g/j/p communication.
`FIG.3 illustrates a structure of a physical-layer packet (PPDU frame) which
`may be used in an IEEE 802.11n communication.


`WO 2014/193547
`FIG.4 illustrates a structure of a physical-layer packet (PPDU frame) which
`may be used in an IEEE 802.1 1ac communication.
`FIG. 5 illustrates an exemplary structure of a downlink physical-layer packet
`which may be used to enable backward-compatible multiple
`access wireless
`FIG.6 illustrates an exemplary illustration of a signal which may be used to
`identify STAsandto allocate sub-bands to those STAs.
`FIG.7 illustrates a 2" exemplary structure of a downlink physical-layer packet
`which may be used to enable backward-compatible multiple
`access wireless
`FIG.8 illustrates a 3"? exemplary structure of a downlink physical-layer packet
`which may be used to enable backward-compatible multiple
`access wireless
`FIG.9 illustrates a 4" exemplary structure of a downlink physical-layer packet
`which may be used to enable backward-compatible multiple
`access wireless
`FIG. 10 illustrates an example of a wireless communication system in which
`aspects of the present disclosure may be employed.
`FIG. 11 shows a functional block diagram of an exemplary wireless device that
`may be employed within the wireless communication system of FIG.1.
`FIG. 12 illustrates an exemplary structure of an uplink physical-layer packet
`which may be used to enable backward-compatible multiple
`access wireless
`FIG. 13 illustrates a process flow diagram for an example method of a
`transmitting a high-efficiency packet to two or more wireless communication devices.
`FIG.14 illustrates an exemplary structure of a hybrid downlink physical-layer
`packet which may be used to enable backward-compatible multiple access wireless
`FIG.15 illustrates an exemplary method of transmitting a hybrid packet.
`FIG.16 illustrates an exemplary method of receiving a hybrid packet.
`FIG.17 illustrates a packet with one example HE preamble format.
`FIG.18 illustrates a packet with another example HE preamble format.
`FIG.19 illustrates a packet with another example HE preamble format.


`WO 2014/193547
`FIG.20 illustrates example bit allocation for an HE-SIG1field.
`FIG. 21 illustrates an exemplary structure of an uplink physical-layer packet
`which may be used to enable backward-compatible multiple
`access wireless
`FIG. 22 illustrates another exemplary structure of an uplink physical-layer
`packet which may be used to enable backward-compatible multiple access wireless
`FIG.23 illustrates an exemplary method of receiving a packet.
`FIG.24 is an exemplary uplink packet structure for an uplink HE packet.
`FIG.25 is exemplary uplink packet structure for an uplink HE packet.
`FIG. 26 is an exemplary downlink message from the AP which includes
`information on how many spatial streams each transmitting device may use.
`FIG.27 is anillustration of a tone-interleaved LTF which may be used in an UL
`FIG. 28 is an illustration of a sub-band interleaved LTF which may be used in
`an UL OFDMApacket.
`FIG. 29 is an exemplary LTF portion of a packet which may be transmitted in
`an UL OFDMApacket.
`FIG. 30 is an illustration of a packet with a commonSIG field prior to the HE-
`STFand per-user SIG field after all of the HE-LTFs.
`FIG.31 illustrates an exemplary method of transmitting to one or more devices
`in a single transmission.
`FIG. 32 illustrates an exemplary method of transmitting to one or more first
`devices with a first set of capabilities and simultaneously transmitting to one or more
`second devices with a secondset of capabilities.
`FIG.33 illustrates an exemplary method of receiving a transmission compatible
`with both devices with a first set of capabilities and devices with a second set of
`FIG. 34 illustrates an exemplary method of receiving a transmission, where
`portions of the transmission are transmitted by different wireless devices.
`FIG.35 illustrates various components that may be utilized in a wireless device
`that may be employed within the wireless communication system.


`WO 2014/193547
`Various aspects of the novel systems, apparatuses, and methods are described
`more fully hereinafter with reference to the accompanying drawings. The teachings
`disclosed may, however, be embodied in many different forms and should not be
`construed as limited to any specific structure or function presented throughout this
`disclosure. Rather, these aspects are provided so that this disclosure will be thorough
`and complete, and will fully convey the scope of the disclosure to those skilled in the
`art. Based on the teachings herein one skilled in the art should appreciate that the scope
`of the disclosure is intended to cover any aspect of the novel systems, apparatuses, and
`methods disclosed herein, whether implemented independently of or combined with any
`other aspect of the invention. For example, an apparatus may be implemented or a
`method may be practiced using any numberof the aspects set forth herein.
`In addition,
`the scope of the invention is intended to cover such an apparatus or method which is
`practiced using other structure, functionality, or structure and functionality in addition to
`or other than the various aspects of the invention set forth herein.
`It should be
`understood that any aspect disclosed herein may be embodied by one or more elements
`of a claim.
`Although particular
`are described herein, many variations
`permutations of these aspects fall within the scope of the disclosure. Although some
`benefits and advantages of the preferred aspects are mentioned,
`the scope of the
`disclosure is not
`intended to be limited to particular benefits, uses, or objectives.
`Rather, aspects of the disclosure are intended to be broadly applicable to different
`wireless technologies, system configurations, networks, and transmission protocols,
`some of which are illustrated by way of example in the figures and in the following
`description of the preferred aspects. The detailed description and drawings are merely
`illustrative of the disclosure rather than limiting, the scope of the disclosure being
`defined by the appended claims and equivalents thereof.
`Wircless network technologies may include various types of wireless local arca
`networks (WLANs). A WLAN maybe used to interconnect nearby devices together,
`employing widely used networking protocols. The various aspects described herein
`may apply to any communication standard, such as WiFi or, more generally, any
`member of the IEEE 802.11 family of wireless protocols. For example, the various
`aspects described herein may be used as part of a [IEEE 802.11 protocol, such as an


`WO 2014/193547
`802.11 protocol which supports orthogonal
`frequency-division multiple access
`(OFDMA) communications.
`It may be beneficial to allow multiple devices, such as STAs, to communicate
`with an AP at the same time. For example, this may allow multiple STAsto receive a
`response from the AP in less time, and to be able to transmit and receive data from the
`AP with less delay. This may also allow an AP to communicate with a larger numberof
`devices overall, and may also make bandwidth usage moreefficient. By using multiple
`access communications,
`the AP may be able to multiplex OFDM symbols to, for
`example, fourdevices at once over an 80 MHz bandwidth, where cach device utilizes 20
`MHz bandwidth. Thus, multiple access may be beneficial in some aspects, as it may
`allow the AP to make moreefficient use of the spectrum available to it.
`It has been proposed to implement such multiple access protocols in an OFDM
`system such as the 802.11 family by assigning different subcarriers (or tones) of
`symbols transmitted between the AP and the STAsto different STAs.
`In this way, an
`AP could communicate with multiple STA’s with a single transmitted OFDM symbol,
`where different tones of the symbol were decoded and processed by different STA’s,
`thus allowing simultaneous data transfer to multiple STA’s.
`These systems are
`sometimes referred to as OFDMA systems.
`Such a tone allocation scheme is referred to herein as a “high-efficiency”
`(HE) system, and data packets transmitted in such a multiple tone allocation system may
`referred to as high-efficiency (HE) packets. Various structures of such packets,
`including backward compatible preamble fields are described in detail below.
`Various aspects of the novel systems, apparatuses, and methods are
`described more fully hereinafter with reference to the accompanying drawings. This
`disclosure may, however, be embodied in many different forms and should not be
`construed as limited to any specific structure or function presented throughout this
`disclosure. Rather, these aspects are provided so that this disclosure will be thorough
`and complete, and will fully convey the scope of the disclosure to those skilled in the
`art. Based on the teachings herein one skilled in the art should appreciate that the scope
`of the disclosure is intended to cover any aspect of the novel systems, apparatuses, and
`methods disclosed herein, whether implemented independently of, or combined with,
`any other aspect of the invention. For example, an apparatus may be implemented or a
`method may be practiced using any number of the aspects sct forth herein.
`In addition,


`WO 2014/193547
`the scope of the invention is intended to cover such an apparatus or method which is
`practiced using other structure, functionality, or structure and functionality in addition to
`or other than the various aspects of the invention set forth herein.
`It should be
`understood that any aspect disclosed herein may be embodied by one or more elements
`of a claim.
`Although particular aspects are described herein, many variations and
`permutations of these aspects fall within the scope of the disclosure. Although some
`benefits and advantages of the preferred aspects are mentioned,
`the scope of the
`disclosure is not
`intended to be limited to particular benefits, uses, or objectives.
`Rather, aspects of the disclosure are intended to be broadly applicable to different
`wireless technologies, system configurations, networks, and transmission protocols,
`some of whichare illustrated by way of example in the figures and in the following
`description of the preferred aspects. The detailed description and drawings are merely
`illustrative of the disclosure rather than limiting, the scope of the disclosure being
`defined by the appended claims and equivalents thereof.
`Popular wireless network technologies may include various types of wireless
`local area networks (WLANs). A WLAN may be used to interconnect nearby devices
`together, employing widely used networking protocols. The various aspects described
`herein may apply to any communication standard, such as a wireless protocol.
`In some aspects, wireless signals may be transmitted according to an 802.11
`protocol. In some implementations, a WLAN includes various devices which are the
`components that access the wireless network. For example, there may be two types of
`devices: access points (APs) and clients (also referred to as stations, or STAs).
`general, an AP mayserve as a hub orbase station for the WLAN and an STA serves as
`a user of the WLAN. For example, an STA may be a laptop computer, a personal
`digital assistant (PDA), a mobile phone,etc.
`In an example, an STA connects to an AP
`via a WiFi compliant wireless link to obtain general connectivity to the Internet or to
`other wide area networks. In some implementations an STA mayalso be used as an AP.
`An access point (AP) may also comprise, be implemented as, or known as a
`base station, wireless access point, access nodeor similar terminology.
`A station “STA” may also comprise, be implemented as, or known as an
`access terminal (AT), a subscriber station, a subscriber unit, a mobile station, a remote
`station, a remote terminal, a user terminal, a user agent, a user device, user equipment,


`WO 2014/193547
`or some other terminology. Accordingly, one or more aspects taught herein may be
`incorporated into a phone (e.g., a cellular phone or smartphone), a computer (e.g., a
`laptop), a portable communication device, a headset, a portable computing device(e.g.,
`a personal data assistant), an entertainment device (c.g., a music or video device, or a
`satellite radio), a gaming device or system, a global positioning system device, or any
`other suitable device that is configured for network communication via a wireless
`As discussed above, certain of the devices described herein may implement an
`802.11 standard, for example. Such devices, whether used as an STA or AP or other
`device, may be used for smart metering or in a smart grid network. Such devices may
`provide sensor applications or be used in home automation. The devices may instead or
`in addition be used in a healthcare context, for example for personal healthcare. They
`may also be used for surveillance, to enable extended-range Internet connectivity (e.g.,
`for use with hotspots), or to implement machine-to-machine communications.
`FIG.1 illustrates a channel allocation for channels available for 802.11 systems.
`Various [EEE 802.11 systems support a numberofdifferent sizes of channels, such as 5,
`10, 20, 40, 80, and 160 MHz channels. For example, and 802.1 lac device may support
`20, 40, and 80 MHz channel bandwidth reception and transmission. A larger channel
`may comprise two adjacent smaller channels. For example, an 80 MHz channel may
`comprise two adjacent 40 MHz channels.
`In the currently implemented IEEE 802.11
`systems, a 20 MHz channel contains 64 subcarriers, separated from each other by 312.5
`kHz. Of these subcarriers, a smaller number may be used for carrying data. For
`example, a 20 MHz channel may contain transmitting subcarriers numbered -1 to -28
`and | to 28, or 56 subcarriers. Some of these carriers may also be used to transmit pilot
`signals. Over the years, the [EEE 802.11 standard has evolved through several versions.
`Older versions include the 1la/g and 11n versions. The most recently released is the
`802.1 lac version.
`FIGs, 2, 3, and 4 illustrates data packet formats for several currently cxisting
`JEEE 802.11 standards. Turning first to Figure 2, a packet format for IEEE 802.1 1a,
`11b, and 11g is illustrated. This frame includes a short training field 22, a long training
`field 24, and a signal field 26. The training fields do not transmit data, but they allow
`synchronization between the AP and the receiving STAs for decoding the data in the
`data field 28.


`WO 2014/193547
`The signal field 26 delivers information from the AP to the STA’s about the
`nature of the packet being delivered.
`In IEEE 802.1 1a/b/g devices, this signal field has
`a length of 24 bits, and is transmitted as a single OFDM symbol at a 6 Mb/srate using
`BPSK modulation and a code rate of 4%. The information in the SIG ficld 26 includes 4
`bits describing the modulation scheme of the data in the packet (e.g. BPSK, 16QAM,
`64QAM,etc.), and 12 bits for the packet length. This information is used by a STA to
`decode the data in the packet when the packet is intended for the STA. When a packet
`is not intended for a particular STA, the STA will defer any communication attempts
`during the time period defined in the length field of the SIG symbol 26, and may, to
`save power, enter a sleep mode during the packet period of up to about 5.5 msec.
`As features have been added to IEEE 802.11, changes to the format of the SIG
`fields in data packets were developed to provide additional information to STAs. Figure
`3 shows the packet structure for the TEEE 802.11n packet. The 11n addition to the
`JEEE.802.11 standard added MIMO functionality to TIEEE.802.11 compatible devices.
`To provide backward compatibility for systems containing both IEEE 802.11a/b/g
`devices and IEEE 802.11n devices, the data packet for IEEE 802.11n systems also
`includes the STF, LTF, and SIG fields of these earlier systems, noted as L-STF 22, L-
`LTF 24, and L-SIG 26 with a prefix L to denote that they are “legacy” fields. To
`provide the needed information to STA’s in an IEEE 802.11n environment,
`additional signal symbols 140 and 142 were added to the IEEE 802.11n data packet.
`contrast with the SIG field and L-SIG field 26, however, these signal fields used rotated
`BPSK modulation (also referred to as QBPSK modulation). When a legacy device
`configured to operate with IEEE 802.11a/b/g receives such a packet, it will receive and
`decode the L-SIG field 26 as a normal
`l1la/b/g packet. However, as the device
`continued decoding additional bits, they will not be decoded successfully because the
`format of the data packet after the L-SIG field 26 is different from the format of an
`lla/b/g packet, and the CRC check performed by the device during this process will
`fail. This causes these legacy devices to stop processing the packet, but still defer any
`further operations until a time period has passed defined by the length field in the
`initially decoded L-SIG. In contrast, new devices compatible with IEEE 802.11n would
`sense the rotated modulation in the HT-SIG fields, and process the packet as an 802.11n
`packet. Furthermore, an 11n device can tell that a packet is intended for an 11la/b/g
`device because if it senses any modulation other than QBPSK in the symbol following


`WO 2014/193547
`the L-SIG 26, it will ignore it as an 1la/b/g packet. After the HT-SIG1 and SIG2
`symbols, additional training fields suitable for MIMO communication are provided,
`followed by the data 28.
`FIG. 4 illustrates a frame format for the currently existing [EEE 802.1lac
`standard, which added multi-user MIMO functional

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