`internationalapieration No.
`Af/13is010.02) 4a,
`According to Tnternatiogal Paint Classification UPC} or to both national classitication and fPC
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`Electronic data base consulted during
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`practicable, search terms used)
`Relevant io claim No.
`x Further docuraenis are listed ty the contimidtion af Box C.
`Spectal cat:
`a chesh docunients:
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`ing the general sean al the art which is not considered
`to be of particule
`earhes application or patent hut publishedou or after dhe intemational
`Filing dare
`e pubfeaton date‘of
`special reason (as spertiad>
`document seferting ip an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other sucaas
`document publishedprior to the international filing date but laterdas
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`See patent family angen.
`daver decument published after the intemational filing date or prioviny
`date and not bt conflict with the apalicat
`fost cited @ understand
`he principle or decay anderivingdie invention
`document ofparticular relevance; toe claianed inveution camnat be
`considived novel or cannot be considered fo involve ai daventi ve
`step vehies the document iy taken alone
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`being obviousto a persow skilled in the ax
`“A document meniber of the same patent rox
`Date of theactual campletion of the intemational search
`i? Gereaber 2929 {27.10.2013}
`Date of mailing ofthe international se rch report
`22 October 2613 (29.20.2013)
`Name and matting address af the IS.A/
`Japan Patent Oifice
`3-4-3, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku,
`Tokyo 100-8014.
`Porm PCTASA/210 Gecond sheet} {January 2015)
`Authorized officer
`Telephune No.
`| {oternational application No.
`ers JP2619/
`Cotation of document, with indication, where agpropriate, of the relevant passages
`FormPOTSAs? 1} feontinuation of second sheet} Vamiary 20153