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` MonEDwyaESHtah
`Sax &
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`Title of Invention
`Application Information
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`New nnUnder 38 US.int
`Fa new applicaikgn is being Med anc ihe application inciudes ihe necessary ceeeents for fing date (see 37 CFR 1S3(6)-(cd
`and MPEP §306), ahing Resceipt
`CFR 1.54) will be issued in due course and the
`date shown on this Acknowledgement
`Riaceint wil establish the Hing date¢of the aoolication
`National Stage of an international Application under 35 U.S.C. 374
`fa timely suornissianfo enter the national stage of aninternational apnlication is compliant with the conditions of 35 LLS.C.
`377 and other agoiicable requiremenis a Form POT/DOVEQ/03 mckeattng acceptance of ihe application as a national stage
`sion under 35 ULS.C. 371 will be issuerin acidition in the
`Falng Receipt, in due course.
`New infernafional Annplication Filed with fhe USPTO as a Receiving Office
`Ha new infermalional aomication is being Hed ancihe international application includes the necessary componentsfor an
`imernational fling date (see PCT Article Ti and MPEP 1810), a Notification of ihe International Agmlication Number and of ihe
`eeHorial Filing Date (Form POT/RO/105) will be issued in due course, subject to prescriptions concerning national sscurty,
`and the dale shown onthis Acknowleagemernld Receinl will esiablish the international filing dale of
`ine application.