`Attorney Docket No. P61911
`By the above amendment, the brief description of the drawings will have been amended
`for consistency with the drawings and the disclosure to more closely conform to U.S. practice,
`and the claims will have been amended, where appropriate, to address multiple dependency
`claiming. Any other amendments madeto the specification and the claims, and not specifically
`noted above, should be considered to have been made for purposes unrelated to patentability and
`solely for purposes of consistency and enhancing clarity for U.S. practice. Thus, none of the
`above-made amendments is believed to include any impermissible new matter. Since the
`amendments have not been made asa result of any rejection in the present application, no
`estoppel should be deemed to be associated with this amendment. Accordingly, entry of the
`present amendmentis respectfully requested and now believed appropriate. While no additional
`fees are believed to have been incurred, in the event that any additional fees are due with respect
`to this paper, the Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge such fees to Deposit Account No.
`19-0089 of the undersigned. Should there be any questions, the Examineris invited to contact the
`undersigned at the telephone numberlisted below.
`Respectfully Submitted,
`/Steven B. Pollicoff/
`Reg. No. 60,311
`Steven B. Pollicoff
`Bruce H. Bernstein
`Reg. No. 29027
`November 12, 2020
`1950 Roland Clarke Place
`Reston, VA 20191
`(703) 716-1191
`{P61911 04552861.DOCX}