`Docket No.: 070469-1159
`This application has been amendedto add continuity information and delete reference
`numerals. Figures 6C, 9-10, and 11A-11B have been annotated. The Abstract is amendedto delete
`reference numerals. Claims 1 and 7-9 are amended and Claim 6 is cancelled. No new matter has
`been introduced. Entry of this amendmentis respectfully requested.
`Applicant believes no fee is due with this response. However,if a fee is due, please charge
`our Deposit Account No. 50-0417, under Order No. 070469-1159 from which the undersignedis
`authorized to draw.
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Michael E. Fogarty/
`MichaelE. Fogarty
`Registration No. 36,139
`Please recognize our Customer No. 53080 as
`our correspondence address.
`The McDermott Building
`500 North Capitol Street, NW
`Washington, DC 20001-1531
`Phone: (202) 756-8244 MEF:nso
`(202) 756-8087
`Date: February 22, 2022