`United States Patent and Trademark Office
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`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
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`PTOL-90A (Rev. 04/07)
`Office Action Summary
`Application No.
`Art Unit
`AIA (FITF) Status
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`1) Responsive to communication(s) filed on 14 June 2022.
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`2a)() This action is FINAL. 2b)¥)This action is non-final.
`3) An election was madeby the applicant in responseto a restriction requirement set forth during the interview
`; the restriction requirement and election have been incorporated into this action.
`4)(2) Since this application is in condition for allowance except for formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is
`closed in accordance with the practice under Exparte Quayle, 1935 C.D. 11, 453 O.G. 213.
`Disposition of Claims*
`1-13 is/are pending in the application.
`5a) Of the above claim(s) _ is/are withdrawn from consideration.
`C} Claim(s)__ is/are allowed.
`Claim(s) 1-13 is/are rejected.
`(] Claim(s)__ is/are objectedto.
`C] Claim(s
`are subjectto restriction and/or election requirement
`* If any claims have been determined allowable, you maybeeligible to benefit from the Patent Prosecution Highway program at a
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`) ) ) )
`Application Papers
`10)¥] The specification is objected to by the Examiner.
`11) The drawing(s) filed on 14 June 2022 is/are: a)(¥) accepted or b)( objected to by the Examiner.
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`Replacement drawing sheet(s) including the correction is required if the drawing(s) is objected to. See 37 CFR 1.121(d).
`Priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119
`12)(¥) Acknowledgment is made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a)-(d)or (f).
`Certified copies:
`_—_c)L) None ofthe:
`b)L) Some**
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`1.) Certified copies of the priority documents have been received.
`2.1.) Certified copies of the priority documents have been received in Application No. |
`3.2.) Copies of the certified copies of the priority documents have been receivedin this National Stage
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`*“ See the attached detailed Office action for a list of the certified copies not received.
`Notice of References Cited (PTO-892)
`(LJ Interview Summary (PTO-413)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date
`(Qj Other:
`Information Disclosure Statement(s) (PTO/SB/08a and/or PTO/SB/08b)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date14June2022,
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`PTOL-326 (Rev. 11-13)
`Office Action Summary
`Part of Paper No./Mail Date 20240730
`Application/Control Number: 17/840,167
`Art Unit: 4156
`Page 2
`Notice of Pre-AlA or AIA Status
`The present application, filed on or after March 16, 2013,
`is being examined
`underthefirst inventor to file provisions of the AIA.
`The disclosure is objected to because of the following minor typographical
`informalities, with suggestions for correction provided:
`Page 16, lines 15 — 16: “the dark current [[to]] generated may be increased.”
`Page 16, line 30: “without beingreflected”
`Page 20, lines 24 — 25: “a semiconductor device according to ascerdingte-the
`Appropriate correction is required. Applicant's cooperation is further requested in
`correcting any errors of which applicant may become awarein the specification.
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 102
`This application currently namesjoint inventors.
`In considering patentability of the
`claims the examiner presumes that the subject matter of the various claims was
`commonly ownedasof the effective filing date of the claimed invention(s) absent any
`evidenceto the contrary. Applicant is advised of the obligation under 37 CFR 1.56 to
`point out the inventor and effective filing dates of each claim that was not commonly
`ownedasof the effectivefiling date of the later invention in order for the examiner to
`consider the applicability of 35 U.S.C. 102(b)(2)(C) for any potential 35 U.S.C. 102(a)(2)
`prior art against the later invention.
`Application/Control Number: 17/840,167
`Art Unit: 4156
`Page 3
`The following is a quotation of the appropriate paragraphs of 35 U.S.C. 102 that
`form the basis for the rejections under this section madein this Office action:
`A person shall be entitled to a patent unless —
`(a)(1) the claimed invention was patented, described in a printed publication, orin public use, on sale,
`or otherwise available to the public beforethe effective filing date of the claimed invention.
`Claims 1 — 13 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 102(a)(1) as being anticipated by
`Okabe, T., ef a/., US 2012/0199893 A1, hereinafter “Okabe”. FIG. 3A of Okabeis
`reproduced below for reference.
`Regarding claim 1, Okabe discloses a semiconductor device (FIG. 10, para.
`[0077], solid-state image pickup apparatus 1001) comprising:
`asilicon semiconductor substrate (FIG. 3A, para. [0047], semiconductor
`substrate 301) including a first region (FIGS. 3A and 10, para [0048], pixel
`converter (FIG. 7, para. [0044],
`section 1011)
`in whicha
`pixel cell 100a, pixel cell 100b) is disposed, and a second region different from
`the first region (FIGS. 3A and 10, para. [0050], peripheral circuit section 1016);
`atransistor which is disposed in the second region (FIG. 3A, para. [0050],
`transistor 304 in the peripheral circuit section 1016) and includes a sidewall
`made of an insulating material (FIG. 3A., para. [0049], transistor 304 has side
`spacers 312 on the side walls of the gate electrode 310; the side spacers 312 are
`made of a multilayer film including a silicon oxide layer, a silicon nitride layer 305,
`Application/Control Number: 17/840,167
`Art Unit: 4156
`Page 4
`and a silicon oxide layer 306; the “insulating material’ is taken to be silicon nitride
`because the side spacers 312 are “madeof”silicon nitride in that they include a
`silicon nitride layer);
`an anti-reflective film which is disposed above a main surface ofthe silicon
`semiconductor substrate in the first region and is madeof the insulating material
`(FIG. 3A, paras. [0048] and [0050], the “anti-reflective film” is taken to be the
`disclosed multi-layered laminate imparting anti-reflective properties, and
`includes: insulating film made of silicon oxide (not shown), an insulating film 305
`made ofsilicon nitride, an insulating film 306 madeofsilicon oxide, and insulating
`film 307 madeofsilicon nitride, formed in that order above the main surface 302
`in the pixel section 1011; see para. [0063] regarding the anti-reflective function of
`the laminate cited above; because the multi-layered laminate includes twosilicon
`nitride layers (305 / 307),
`it is taken to be “made ofthe insulating material’); and
`a first liner film which is disposed above the main surface of the silicon
`semiconductor substrate in the second region and is made of the insulating
`material (FIG. 3A, para. [0050], an insulating film 307 madeofsilicon nitride is
`formed over the main surface 302 in the peripheral circuit section 1016;
`insulating film 307 also functions as a “liner film” in the sense that it plays a role
`in the subsequent formation of contact holes as described in paragraph [0053],
`FIG. 3C (referenced as film 318 after patterning));
`wherein the anti-reflective film and thefirst liner film are integrally formed (the
`term “integrally formed’ is taken to have its meaning as defined by applicant at
`page8, lines 9 — 13 of the specification: “In the present embodiment,first liner
`Application/Control Number: 17/840,167
`Art Unit: 4156
`Page 5
`film 152 and anti-reflective film 151 are integrally formed.
`In other words, anti-
`reflective film 151 andfirst liner film 152 are formed as a single film (insulating
`film 150) above main surface 112 of semiconductor.”; as such, it is clear from the
`fabrication step shown in FIG. 3A of Okabethatsilicon nitride film 307 is formed
`as a single film across both sections 1011 and 1016, thus meeting applicant’s
`definition of “integrally formed” with respect to the anti-reflective film and thefirst
`liner film), and
`a thicknessof the anti-reflective film (the aforementioned multi-layered laminate:
`is larger than or equal to a sum of a thickness of the
`sidewall (side spacers 312: oxide/nitride/oxide) and a thicknessofthefirst liner
`film (insulating film 307: nitride) (according to applicant’s definitions of the
`foregoing thicknesses at page 9, lines 7 — 26 and page 12, lines 6 — 9, in Okabe
`the thickness of the anti-reflective film multi-layered laminate and the sum of
`sidewall andfirst liner film thicknesses would be the same,that is “equal to” one
`another, as they were formed of exactly the same four layers:
`Regarding claim 2, Okabe discloses the semiconductor device according to claim
`1 as above, and further discloses wherein the insulating material is a nitride (paras.
`[0048] and [0050], insulating films 305 and 307 madeofsilicon nitride).
`Regarding claim 3, Okabe discloses the semiconductor device according to claim
`1 as above,and further discloses wherein the photoelectric converter photoelectrically
`converts light having a wavelength of 650 nm or more (see para. [0047] regarding
`Okabe’s “photoelectric conversion portions’;
`the semiconductor substrate 301 including
`Application/Control Number: 17/840,167
`Art Unit: 4156
`Page 6
`n-type region 314 and p-type region 316, forming the photoelectric conversion portion,
`is madeof silicon, and a knownpropertyofsilicon-based photoelectric converters is that
`they are useful in the visible and near-infrared wavelengths, meeting the claim limitation
`of “a wavelength of 650 nm or more” (as evidence: e.g., Haapalinna, A., et a/., “Spectral
`reflectance of silicon photodiodes’, Applied Optics vol. 37 (4), pp. 729 — 32 (1998); and
`applicant’s acknowledgement of same at specification page 6, lines 18 — 25)).
`Regarding claim 4, Okabe discloses the semiconductor device according to claim
`1 as above, wherein the thickness of the anti-reflective film is 70 nm or more (para.
`[0063]: “the [oxide] insulating film (not shown) has a thickness of about 5 to 20 nm,
`[nitride]] insulating film 305 has a thickness of about 30 to 100 nm, [oxide] insulating film
`306 has a thickness of about 50 to 150 nm, and[nitride] insulating film 317 [portions of
`layer 307] has a thickness of about 30 to 100 nm”; the thickness range of the anti-
`reflective film multi-layered laminate as thus disclosed would be from 115 nm to 370
`nm, meeting “70 nm or more’).
`Regarding claim 5, Okabe discloses the semiconductor device according to claim
`1 as above, further comprising: a colorfilter which blockslight having a wavelength of
`less than 650 nm (FIG. 5B, paras. [0061] and [0114], colorfilter layer 339 including
`colorfilters corresponding to a plurality of colors; para. [0065], red colorfilter meets
`“blocks light having a wavelength of less than 650 nm”).
`Regarding claim 6, Okabe discloses the semiconductor device according to claim
`1 as above, wherein
`the silicon semiconductor substrate further includes a third region in which the
`transistor and the photoelectric converter are not disposed (the “third region” is
`Application/Control Number: 17/840,167
`Art Unit: 4156
`Page 7
`taken to be anywherein “peripheral circuit section 1016” not having a transistor,
`e.g., “[e]lement isolation regions having a shallow trenchisolation (STI) structure”
`(para. [0101]), as shownin FIG. 3A, right edge of section 1016, STI 217),
`a secondliner film made of the insulating material is disposed above the main
`surface of the silicon semiconductor substrate in the third region (silicon nitride
`insulating film 307 is formed everywherein section 1016, including over STI 217
`(para. [0050])),
`the anti-reflective film, the first liner film, and the secondliner film are integrally
`formed (insulating film 307, same interpretation of “integrally formed” as
`discussed above, and as further defined at page 8,line 35 — page9, line 4), and
`the first liner film and the secondliner film are identical in thickness (insulating
`film 307 of the first and secondliner films being deposited as a single film in the
`same step across section 1016 meets “identical in thickness” (paras. [0050] and
`Regarding claim 7, Okabe discloses:
`a method of manufacturing (para. [0046]) a semiconductor device (FIG. 10, para.
`[0077], solid-state image pickup apparatus 1001), the method comprising:
`(i) forming a photoelectric converter (FIG. 7, para. [0044], pixel cell 100a, pixel
`cell 100b) in a first region (FIGS. 3A and 10, para [0048], pixel section 1011) ina
`silicon semiconductor substrate (FIG. 3A, para. [0047], semiconductor substrate
`(ii) forming a gate electrode (FIG. 3A, para. [0047], gate electrode 310) ina
`second region different from the first region in the silicon semiconductor
`Application/Control Number: 17/840,167
`Art Unit: 4156
`Page 8
`substrate (FIGS. 3A and 10, para. [0050], peripheral circuit section 1016), the
`gate electrode being included in a transistor (FIG. 3A, para. [0050], transistor 304
`in the peripheral circuit section 1016);
`(iii) forming an insulating film by depositing an insulating material above a main
`surface of the silicon semiconductor substrate (para. [0048], “insulating film”is
`multi-layered: “FIG. 3A shows the step of forming insulating films over the
`elements. An insulating film madeof silicon oxide (not shown), an insulating film
`305 madeofsilicon nitride, and an insulating film 306 made of silicon oxide are
`formed in that order from the main surface 302 in the pixel section 1011.”;
`“insulating material’ is taken to be silicon nitride because the insulating film
`includes a silicon nitride layer);
`(iv) forming a sidewall madeof the insulating material in sides of the gate
`electrode by etching the insulating film (FIG. 3A, para. [0049], side spacers 312
`are madeof the multi-layer film noted above,including the silicon oxide layer, the
`silicon nitride layer 305, and thesilicon oxide layer 306; the multi-layer film as
`shown is removed from everywhereelse in peripheral circuit section, so it has
`been etched); and
`- (v) forming an anti-reflective film andafirst liner film by further depositing the
`insulating material above the main surfaceof the silicon semiconductor substrate
`(further deposition of the insulating material is taken as thesilicon nitride film 307
`being deposited over the main surface 302 in both the pixel section 1011 and the
`peripheral circuit section 1016), the anti-reflective film being disposed above the
`main surface of the silicon semiconductor substrate in the first region and made
`Application/Control Number: 17/840,167
`Art Unit: 4156
`Page 9
`of the insulating material (FIG. 3A, paras. [0048] and [0050], the “anti-reflective
`film” is taken to be the disclosed multi-layered laminate imparting anti-reflective
`properties, and includes:
`insulating film madeof silicon oxide (not shown), an
`insulating film 305 made ofsilicon nitride, an insulating film 306 madeof silicon
`oxide, and insulating film 307 madeofsilicon nitride, formed in that order above
`the main surface 302 in the pixel section 1011; see para. [0063] regarding the
`anti-reflective function of the laminate cited above; because the multi-layered
`laminate includes twosilicon nitride layers (305 / 307),
`it is taken to be “made of
`the insulating material’), the first liner film being disposed above the main surface
`of the silicon semiconductor substrate in the second region and madeof the
`insulating material (FIG. 3A, para. [0050], an insulating film 307 madeofsilicon
`nitride is formed over the main surface 302 in the peripheral circuit section 1016;
`insulating film 307 also functions as a “liner film” in the sense that it plays a role
`in the subsequent formation of contact holes as described in paragraph [0053],
`FIG. 3C (referenced asfilm 318 after patterning)).
`Regarding claim 8 as above, Okabe discloses the method of manufacturing a
`semiconductor device according to claim 7, wherein a thickness of the anti-reflective
`film (the aforementioned multi-layered laminate: oxide/nitride/oxide/nitride)
`is larger than
`or equal to a sum of a thickness of the sidewall (side spacers 312: oxide/nitride/oxide)
`and a thicknessofthe first liner film (insulating film 307: nitride) (according to applicant’s
`definitions of the foregoing thicknesses at page Q, lines 7 — 26 and page 12,lines 6 —9,
`in Okabethe thicknessof the anti-reflective film multi-layered laminate and the sum of
`sidewall andfirst liner film thicknesses would be the same, that is “equal to” one
`Application/Control Number: 17/840,167
`Art Unit: 4156
`Page 10
`another, as they were formed of exactly the same fourlayers:
`14.|Regarding claim 9, Okabe discloses the method of manufacturing a
`semiconductor device according to claim 7 as above, wherein the insulating materialis
`a nitride (para. [0048] and [0050], insulating films 305 and 307 madeof silicon nitride).
`15.|Regarding claim 10, Okabe discloses the method of manufacturing a
`semiconductor device according to claim 7 as above, wherein the photoelectric
`converter photoelectrically converts light having a wavelength of 650 nm or more (see
`para. [0047] regarding Okabe’s “photoelectric conversion portions’; the semiconductor
`substrate 301 including n-type region 314 and p-type region 316, forming the
`photoelectric conversion portion,
`is made ofsilicon, and a knownproperty ofsilicon-
`based photoelectric converters is that they are useful in the visible and near-infrared
`wavelengths, meeting the claim limitation of “a wavelength of 650 nm or more” (as
`evidence: e.g., Haapalinna, A., et a/., “Spectral reflectance of silicon photodiodes’,
`Applied Optics vol. 37 (4), pp. 729 — 32 (1998); and applicant’s acknowledgement of
`same at specification page 6,lines 18 — 25)).
`16.|Regarding claim 11, Okabe discloses the method of manufacturing a
`semiconductor device according to claim 7 as above, wherein a thickness of the anti-
`reflective film is 70 nm or more (para. [0063]: “the [oxide] insulating film (not shown) has
`a thickness of about 5 to 20 nm, [nitride]] insulating film 305 has a thickness of about 30
`to 100 nm, [oxide] insulating film 306 has a thickness of about 50 to 150 nm, and
`[nitride] insulating film 317 [portions of layer 307] has a thickness of about 30 to 100
`Application/Control Number: 17/840,167
`Art Unit: 4156
`Page 11
`nm’; the thickness range of the anti-reflective film multi-layered laminate as thus
`disclosed would be from 115 nm to 370 nm, meeting “70 nm or more’).
`17.|Regarding claim 12, Okabe discloses the method of manufacturing a
`semiconductor device according to claim 7 as above, further comprising: disposing a
`colorfilter which blockslight having a wavelength of less than 650 nm (FIG. 5B, paras.
`[0061] and [0114], colorfilter layer 339 including colorfilters corresponding to a plurality
`of colors; para. [0065], red colorfilter meets “blocks light having a wavelength of less
`than 650 nm”).
`18.|Regarding claim 13, Okabe discloses the method of manufacturing a
`semiconductor device according to claim 7, wherein
`(v) further includes forming a secondliner film made of the insulating material
`above the main surface of the silicon semiconductor substrate (silicon nitride
`insulating film 307 is formed everywherein section 1016, including over STI 217
`(para. [0050])) in a third region in which the transistor and the photoelectric
`converter are not disposed (the “third region” is taken to be anywhere in
`“peripheral circuit section 1016” not having a transistor, e.g., “[e]lement isolation
`regions having a shallow trench isolation (STI) structure” (para. [0101]), as
`shown in FIG. 3A, right edge of section 1016, STI 217),
`the anti-reflective film, the first liner film, and the secondliner film are integrally
`formed (the term “integrally formed’ is taken to have its meaning as defined by
`applicant at page 8, lines 9 — 13 of the specification: “In the present embodiment,
`first liner film 152 [and secondliner film 153] and anti-reflective film 151 are
`integrally formed.
`In other words, anti-reflective film 151 andfirst liner film 152
`Application/Control Number: 17/840,167
`Art Unit: 4156
`Page 12
`[and secondliner film 153] are formed as a single film (insulating film 150) above
`main surface 112 of semiconductor.” (and as further defined at page 8,line 35 —
`page Y, line 4); as such, it is clear from the fabrication step shown in FIG. 3A of
`Okabethatsilicon nitride film 307 is formed as a single film across both sections
`1011 and 1016, thus meeting applicant’s definition of “integrally formed’ with
`respectto the anti-reflectivefilm and thefirst liner film), and
`thefirst liner film and the secondlinerfilm are identical in thickness (insulating
`film 307 of the first and secondliner films being deposited as a single film in the
`same step across section 1016 meets “identical in thickness’ (paras. [0050] and
`The following prior art made of record and not relied upon is considered pertinent
`to applicant’s disclosure:
`- US 2019/0096946 A1 to Hirota ef al., see FIGS. 4A — 6C and associated text
`disclosing a device/method in a closely related art (/e., “imaging apparatus
`includes a substrate including a photoelectric conversion portion; andasilicon
`nitride layer arranged to coverat least a portion of the photoelectric conversion
`portion” (abstract)); and
`- US 2016/0126284 Aj
`to Kato et al, see FIG. 4 and associated text disclosing a
`device/method in a closely related art (/.e., “solid-state imaging device is provided
`with a semiconductor layer, a gate of a pixel transistor, a gate of a peripheral
`circuit transistor, a silicon nitride film and a sidewall” (abstract)).
`Application/Control Number: 17/840,167
`Art Unit: 4156
`Page 13
`20.=Anyinquiry concerning this communication or earlier communications from the
`examiner should be directed to Ryan Fortin whose telephone numberis 703-756-5649.
`The examiner can normally be reached on Monday — Thursday from 8:30 AM to 5:30
`PM. The examiner can also be reached onalternate Fridays.
`‘If attempts to reach the examiner by telephone are unsuccessful, the examiner's
`supervisor, Britt Hanley, can be reached at telephone number 571-270-3042. The fax
`phone numberfor the organization wherethis application or proceeding is assigned is
`Information regarding the status of an application may be obtained from the
`Patent Center system. Status information for published applications may be obtained
`from Patent Center. Status information for unpublished applications is available through
`Patent Center to authorized users only. Should you have questions about access to the
`Patent Center system, contact the Electronic Business Center (EBC) at 866-217-9197
`Examinerinterviews are available via telephone and video conferencing using a
`USPTO supplied web-based collaboration tool. To schedule an interview, applicant is
`encouraged to use the USPTO Automated Interview Request (AIR) Form at
`Examiner, Art Unit 4156
`Primary Examiner, Art Unit 2899