`The present Amendmentis submitted underthe provisions of 37 CFR 1.312.
`Applicant notes that claims 2-4 and 6-10 have been canceled by this amendment.
`Accordingly, claims 1 and 5 are the only claims pendingin the application. Applicant
`respectfully submits that entry of this amendmentis clearly warranted for the following reasons.
`As noted above, the amendmentto the claims is limited to the cancellation of claims 2-4
`and 6-10. Accordingly, since this amendment merely cancels claims, no additional search is
`required and entry of the amendment would not require any substantial work on the part of the
`Accordingly, Applicant submits that entry of the present amendmentclearly is warranted,
`and such entry is requested. If for any reason the Examinerdoesnotbelieve that this amendment
`should be entered, the Examineris kindly requested to contact the undersigned at the telephone
`numberlisted below.
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Kenneth W.Fields/
`Kenneth W. Fields
`Registration No. 52,430
`Attorney for Applicant
`1025 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 500
`Washington, D.C. 20036
`Telephone (202) 721-8200
`Facsimile (202) 721-8250
`June 28, 2024
`The Director is hereby authorized to charge any fees which may be required, or credit any overpayment
`to Deposit Account No. 23-0975.