(72) Inventor (22) Date of Application KAWAGUCHI, Noboru (72) Inventor GOTO, Mitsutoshi (71) Applicant Sanyo Machine Works, Ltd. (74) Agent Patent attorney EHARA, Shogo May 9, 1990 ℅ Sanyo Machine Works, Ltd. 1 Oka, Okimura, Nishiharu-machi, Nishi Kasugai- gun, Aichi Prefecture ℅ Sanyo Machine Works, Ltd. 1 Oka, Okimura, Nishiharu-machi, Nishi Kasugai- gun, Aichi Prefecture 1 Oka, Okimura, Nishiharu-machi, Nishi Kasugai- gun, Aichi Prefecture
Consequently, it has not been possible to connect directly, to an EWS, output devices such as plotters, or sequencers, or the like, that have a PC I/O bus or a Papst Licensing & Co. KG's Patent Owner Response - Ex. 2009, p.2
An example of a structure wherein a peripheral device is connected to an EWS using a SCSI interface converter according to one embodiment according to the present invention will be explained using FIG. 1.
In this figure, (1) is a relatively inexpensive EWS (Engineering WorkStation) of a desktop type, and has, as standard equipment, a SCSI interface (2) for connecting a hard disk.
FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a SCSI device adapter according to one embodiment according to the present invention, connected between an EWS and a device; FIG. 2 is a flowchart illustrating an operating procedure of an EWS in connection to FIG. 1; and FIG. 3 is a flowchart illustrating an interrupt data reading procedure in the configuration in FIG. 1.