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Displaying 1674-1688 of 713,167 results

Joint Motion to Amend the Procedural Schedule and Ground Rules regarding Demonstrative Exhibits Associated with Live Witness Testimony and Deposition Designations No. 751453

Document Certain IP Camera Systems including Video Doorbells and Components Thereof, 337-1242, No. 751453-1 (U.S.I.T.C. Sep. 10, 2021)
Before the Honorable Clark S. Cheney Administrative Law Judge
Complainants SkyBell Technologies, Inc., SB IP Holdings, LLC, and Eyetalk365, LLC (“Complainants”) and Respondents SimpliSafe, Inc., Vivint Smart Home, Inc., and Arlo Technologies, Inc. (“Respondents”) respectfully seek to clarify coming deadlines in the Revised Procedural Schedule (Order No. 7) and Ground Rules (Order No. 6 at 12.2) as set forth below.
Specifically, to the extent that these deadlines apply to demonstrative exhibits associated with live witness testimony during the hearing in this Investigation (see Order No. 7), the parties agree to instead exchange each such demonstrative exhibit by a mutually agreed upon time before the expected day of the associated witness’s testimony at the hearing in this Investigation.
The parties respectfully seek to clarify that affirmative deposition designations will be exchanged at the September 17, 2021 deadline and rebuttal deposition designations will be exchanged at the September 24, 2021 deadline.
For the foregoing reasons, the parties respectfully request that the Procedural Schedule be amended to (i) clarify that demonstrative exhibits associated with live witness testimony will be exchanged at a later time by agreement of the parties and (ii) clarify that deposition designations will be exchanged at the affirmative deposition designations will be exchanged at the September 17, 2021 deadline and rebuttal deposition designations will be exchanged at the September 24, 2021 deadline.
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Amendment to Complaint Naming Doe Filed - Amendment to Complaint Naming Doe Filed

Document Neil Alan Miller and Zenaida G. Miller -v- Florentina Roman et al, CIVSB2128144, No. 01-06-22-Naming_Doe_92_to_be_Jerry_L_Carland_on_Complaint_filed_09302021_filed_by_All_Plaintiffs...
org ATTACHMENTNAME: Declaration: Amendment to Complaint Doe 92 CASE NAME: Nell Alan Mlller vs. Santa Marbella FIorentma Roman
Please log on to www.TurboCourt.com regularly for updates Please staple this to your original attachment Moavnoaqum/I-‘dnu
FICTITIOUS NAME (No order required) Upon filing the complaint herein plainfiff(s) being ignorant ofthe true name of a defendant.
1/6/2022 Date wherever it DeclaMnature INCORRECT NAME (Order required) Plaintiff(s) having designated a defendant in the complaint by the incorrect name of: and having discovered the true name of the said defendant to be: hereby amends the complaint by inserting such true name in place and stead of such fictitious name wherever it appears in said complaint.
the above amendment to the complaint is allowed Declarant's Signature Dated s3 1677a Rev omzomomiana: CEBMlgpom, Judge/Commissioner
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Juncaj et al v. LG Chem Ltd. et al

Docket 4:13-cv-01379, California Northern District Court (Mar. 28, 2013)
Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers, presiding
Cause15:1 Antitrust Litigation
Case Type410 Anti-Trust
Tags410 Anti-Trust, 410 Anti-Trust
Defendant Panasonic Corporation
Defendant Panasonic Corporation of North America
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Certain Media Devices, including Televisions, Blu-Ray Disc Players, Home Theater...

Docket 337-882, United States International Trade Commission (May 13, 2013)
David P. Shaw, presiding.

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Docket 90360100, Trademark (Dec. 4, 2020)

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Certificate of Mailing for

Document MCKINLEY WILLIAMS VS MARIO RODRIGUEZ, ET AL., 20STCV46087, Certificate of Mailing for (Los Angeles Sup. Ct Mar. 26, 2021)

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Docket 79300091, Trademark (June 15, 2020)

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Document MCKINLEY WILLIAMS VS MARIO RODRIGUEZ, ET AL., 20STCV46087, Certificate CLERKS CERTIFICATION OF (Los Angeles Sup. Ct Mar. 25, 2021)

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Receipt for Transmitted Record

Document MCKINLEY WILLIAMS VS MARIO RODRIGUEZ, ET AL., 20STCV46087, Receipt for Transmitted Record (Los Angeles Sup. Ct Mar. 25, 2021)

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Docket 90348747, Trademark (Nov. 30, 2020)

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Sharp Electronics Corporation et al v. Hitachi, Ltd. et al

Docket 4:13-cv-01173, California Northern District Court (March 15, 2013)
Judge Jon S. Tigar, presiding.

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Document AMADO GONZALES et al v. 3M CO. et al, 190113/2016, 578 (N.Y. Sup. Ct., New York County Oct. 3, 2019)

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6 Notice of Filing Date Accorded to Petition: Notice of Accord Filing Date

Document IPR2021-01061, No. 6 Notice of Filing Date Accorded to Petition - Notice of Accord Filing Date (P.T.A.B. Jul. 21, 2021)

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Turner et al v. LG Chem, Ltd. et al

Docket 4:13-cv-00781, California Northern District Court (March 7, 2013)
Hon. Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers, presiding.

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Docket 60CV-12-4992, Arkansas State, Pulaski County, Circuit Court (Oct. 22, 2012)

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