`Sent As:
`Panasonic Corporation of North America (
`11/12/2007 11:39:46 AM
`Attachment - 1
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`(cid:160) (cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160) SERIAL NO:(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160) MARK: OPTIFLOW(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160) (cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)
`(cid:160) (cid:160)
`MORTON AMSTER(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)
`AMSTER ROTHSTEIN & EBENSTEIN LLP(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)
`NEW YORK, NY 10016-1301(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160) APPLICANT:(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)
`America(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160) (cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160) CORRESPONDENT’S REFERENCE/DOCKET NO :(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)
`55210/592(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160) CORRESPONDENT E-MAIL ADDRESS:(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160)
`(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160) CORRESPONDENT ADDRESS:
`(cid:160) Panasonic Corporation of North
`SSUE/MAILING DATE: 11/12/2007
`The assigned examining attorney has reviewed the referenced application and determined the following.
`earch Results

`The examining attorney has searched the Office records and has found no similar registered or pending mark which would bar registration under
`Trademark Act Section 2(d), 15 U.S.C. §1052(d).(cid:160) TMEP §704.02.
`ection 2(e)(1) - Descriptive Refusal
`egistration is refused because the proposed mark merely describes an important functio of applicant’s goods and/or services. (cid:160) Trademark Act
`Section 2(e)(1), 15 U.S.C. §1052(e)(1); TMEP §§1209 et seq.
`t is important to have an optimum flow for a vacuum cleaner.(cid:160) Applicant’s proposed identification of goods even current reads “features of a
`vacuum cleaner”. (cid:160) The opti (or optimum flow) of a vacuum cleaner is important.(cid:160) See the attacheed excerpts from the Google Research Database.
`dentification of goods
`he identification of goods is unacceptable as indefinite because it could include goods in other classes.(cid:160) The applicant may adopt the following
`identification, if accurate:(cid:160)(cid:160)(cid:160) TMEP §1402.01.
`eatures of a vacuum cleaner is an unclear identification of goods.(cid:160) What does applicant intend by features?
`lass 7:(cid:160) Vacuum cleaners for household purposes is acceptable.
`lease note that, while an application may be amended to clarify or limit the identification, additions to the identification are not permitted.(cid:160) 37
`C.F.R. §2.71(a); TMEP §1402.06.(cid:160) Therefore, the applicant may not amend to include any goods that are not within the scope of goods set forth
`in the present identification.
`f the applicant has any questions or needs assistance in responding to this Office action, please telephone the assigned examining attorney.
`/Jacqueline A. Lavine/
`Law Office 101
`(571) 272-9185
`(571) 273-9101 FAX
`RESPOND TO THIS ACTION: If there are any questions about the Office action, please contact the assigned examining attorney. A response
`to this Office action should be filed using the form available at If notification of this Office action
`was received via e-mail, no response using this form may be filed for 72 hours after receipt of the notification. Do not attempt to respond by e-
`mail as the USPTO does not accept e-mailed responses.
`f responding by paper mail, please include the following information: the application serial number, the mark, the filing date and the name,
`title/position, telephone number and e-mail address of the person signing the response.(cid:160) Please use the following address: Commissioner for
`Trademarks, P.O. Box 1451, Alexandria, VA 22313-1451.
`TATUS CHECK: Check the status of the application at least once every six months from the initial filing date using the USPTO Trademark
`Applications and Registrations Retrieval (TARR) online system at When conducting an online status check, print and
`maintain a copy of the complete TARR screen.(cid:160) If the status of your application has not changed for more than six months, please contact the
`assigned examining attorney.

`httpflhintech icmh utexas edufsearchfdict-search2 htm|?bn1=AND&wnrd=nptimLIm f|nw&search_t_y_ne=nnrma|&def=
`11.-'D9f2DD7 TD:23 45 AM
` "
`Se_arrhiI_Ig' C"axe.guxy- ..Us_Er'_'iI.l1Ji1_.t"1"1E1'J\'
`Searched Word 0pt.imu.m_f low
`1 uptimurn flaw
`The discharge regime that allows for the maximum expression ofthe carrying capacity of any specified use ofthe stream. Any flow above or below this How becomes to the use under
`All entries Copygght 1995-98 by their respective authors or, ifno author is listed, by B1oTech Resources and Indiana Universig

`http'fJ'v\rvvw anver comfdocumentfvacuum%2Dcomponentsfvacuum%2Dva|ves:'valve-check htm
`11.-'D9f2DD7 lD:25 47 AM
`Vacuum Check Valves for Vacuum Systems
`Used in Virtually Every Vacuum Application Shown on Our Website
`New, improved designs, competitively priced and leak—proof— specially made by ANVER in the USA.
`We have built our own due to the lack ofsuitable check valves for our type ofvacuum applications.
`ANVER CheckVai3 offer the best combination offeatures for our industry, making them the best overall value.
`For Industrial Vacuum Applications Requiring High Flow:
`ANVER one-way vacuum check valves are suitable for all vacuum appllcatlons, where vacuum loss prevention Is required. The check valves can operate In any posltlon,
`maklng them suitable for all vacuum needs We designed them to be leakproot, and to have a low cracklng pressure and the hlghest flow available Made in the USA by
`Features that make CheckVac valves the best for vacuum applications:
`One—piece airtight aluminum body in a compact design No seams means no leakage —two—piece valves that screwtogether risk possible leakage. The
`anodized aluminum body Wlll not crack as may plastic valves when being screwed into a fitting.
`Optimum flow design for all vacuum applications — a very large Flow Rate (CV). This allows more suction flow and ellminates the major source offlow restriction
`ln most vacuum systems. Thls is an easy performance upgrade which offers the best results forthe money.
`Spring loaded, so they operate in any orlentation The low cracking pressure allows you to get the most performance from your pumps; does not waste your
`pump's power opening the check valve
`Preclslon Internal plastic valve with stainless steel sprlngs — ellmmates corroslon from water contamlnatlon.
`Note: On the 3!El" check valve we used a 112" check valve with adaptors. This allows for a maxlmlzed flow rate (CV) in this popular size. Try it on any 3J8" hosed
`system; you will find that the reduced restrlction is worth the minimal added cost of adaptors The 1" is a1 ‘A" with adaptors and the l
`‘/2" is a 2" wlth adaptors
`Again. the reason for ll’1|S Is to maxlmlze tlow.
`Remember: The main restriction ofa vacuum system is at the check valve. You can utllize a smaller pump ifyou increase flow at this point. This is the most
`economical way to increase a vacuum system's performance.
`E Ulew Printer-Frierldl PDF P3 e
`CheckVac Aluminum Vacuum Check Valve Specifications:
`Maxlmum Pressure: 230 psi
`Temperature‘ D° to 2DD° F (-18° to 93° C)
`Seals: Nitrile Elutadiene Rubber
`Part No.
`Pipe Thread
`Hex Slze
`.. ....
`in Hg
`(mm Hg)
`- --
`Cracking Pressureii
`Flow Rate
`(Appmx CV)
`Product Photo
`(Cllck to

`htt_n'fJ'v\rww anver c0mfd0cumentfvacuum%2Dc0mp0nentsfvacuum%2Dva|ves1'valve-check htm
`11.-'D9l'2DD7 lD:25 47 AM
`Adapter used with
`CV12Fl2F (bel0w)
`t0 make cv3eF30F (ab0ve)
`ll'41"Nl-‘I (Female)
`1101 NPT (Female)
`are" NPT (Female)
`343" NPT (Female)
`H2 NP_T (Male)
`PT lF'””a'E)
`10" PT (Female)
`PT (Female)
`PT (Female)
`PT (Female)
`1 114"
`1 114"
`PT (Female)
`PT (Female)
`2" N3T (Female)
`2 N3T (Female)
`1:2" N3T (Male)
`1:2" NPT (Female)
`1 as
`0 5s
`0.23 (e 0.14)
`1 15
`0.30 1: 0.14)
`2 M
`2 75
`159 91
`3 38
`5 DD
`1 DD
`1 181
`131] 21
`2 DD
`5” 2)
`D 52
`D 35
`(15 2“
`0.30 (e 0.14)
`0.25 ($0.14)
`0 0? (+0 1410 05)
`0.17 (e 0.14)
`0.30 (1 0.14)
`* Cracking Prewure refers t0 the minimum prewure differential needed between the in et and 0utlet 0t'the valve t0 lifi the plunger off its seat t0 generate fl0\-v.
`NOTE: These check va
`ves were deslgned and bullt specifically f0r 0ur vacuum lifiing systems, and have been pr0ven in actual vacuum system installatinns Ordlnary check valves designed f0r cempressed air
`systems are unsuitable f0r use in vacuum systems and can adversely affect y0ur system.
`.g of System Accessories
`1" E fifiack ta Overvlew Page

`htt_n'fJ'www nlanetrena comfaduarium-air-Dumps html
`11J'l]El:"2DD?'1D'2E'5B AM
`Find It All Here!
`RENA D API l>'.
`> Help
`Blllj Pills
`flqiiaiiiiiii Eqiflpiiieiit
`rush! M,
`Ffll} - FIISHHII’
`Ha ‘I
`me .5“ Fun.
`Flflllll GBUI5
`Pam Plmlxls
`fgnntfln Pump;
`Hangman Mn
`Aquarium Air Pumps
`RENA® Air 50 Pump
`Small and powerful the Rena Alr 50 provides a steady
`stream of air with a noise level of less than 3EIdb. The
`compact SlZE fits almost anywhere. NOISE suppression
`chambers, long-lasting diaphragm, unlgue precision locking base are design
`innovations not found on other alr pumps. The innovative use of expansion
`chambers, curved casing and tight fitting base makes RENA AIR the
`Flow rate. UL and CUL approved. For 5-1D gallon tanks, 1 outlet. 2psi. Re-
`quletest air pump yet. High pressure enables them to maintain optlmum
`Engineered for easy replacement of the diaphragm and valve b|ool<. Tune-
`Up Kit and Replacement Filters are now available. What makes Rena Air
`um 5 different?
`Type Outlet: pressure
`Max Flow L,/h:
`Max Pressure psi: 2
`1 rear-mounted
`Flow Control: no
`Intake: bottom
`Filter: yes
`Voltage: 115v Euflhz (other voltages available)
`Watts: 3
`Dimenslons: L 4" X W 2-1/‘3">< 2-].g‘4"
`Approvals: UL CUL
`1 year
`Welght: 9 oz
`Sound: <3Ddb
`Outlet Size: 4mm .16in
`Spare Parts Available: dlffusors, Feet, diaphragms, valve blocks, filters
` A® Air mo Pump

`http'fJ'\n\rww planetrena comfaduarium-air-pumps html
`11J'DEli"2DD?'1D'2E'5B AM
`‘The Rena Air 1DD is a silent yet powerful air pump. Noise
`suppression chambers, long-lasting diaphragm, unique
`precision locking base are all features that make the Rena Air MD ideal for
`the 1D—2D gallon tank. The innovative use of expansion chambers, curved
`casing and tight fitting base makes RENA AIR the quietest air pump yet.
`High pressure enables them to maintain optimum flow rate. UL and CUL
`approved. For 1D-2D gallon tank, 1 outlet. 2.2psi. Tune-Up Kit and
`Replacement Filters available.
`The unit can be easily serviced. The pump lS very quiet (less than 3Ddb)
`and produces a steady and consistent air fiow. What makes Rena Air
`pumps different?
`Model: RAIDD
`Type: pressure
`Max Flow Lfh: 72
`Max Pressure psi: 22.2
`1 rear—mniinterl
`Flow Control: no
`Intake: bottom
`Filter: yes
`Voltage: 115v 6Dhz (other voltages available)
`Watts: 3
`Dimensions: L 4-SIB" x W 2-3X8" >< 2-3X8"
`Approvals: UL cUL
`1 year
`Weight: 11 02.
`Sound: <3Ddb
`Outlet Size: 4mm .16in
`Spare Parts Available: diffusors, feet, diaphragms, valve blocks, filters
`RENA® Air EDD Rump
`The Rena Air EDD is a silent, yet powerful, air pump and the
`most versatile pump in the Rena Air range. The increased
`volume and pressure make the pump suited for a wide
`variety of freshwater and saltwater aquariums. A very quiet pump (less
`than 3Ddb) the RA2DD has a built—in flow control which produces a steady
`and consistent air fiow at all settings. Like all Rena Air series air pumps the
`unit has built
`in noise suppression chambers, long lasting diaphragm and a
`unique precision locking base. The innovative use of the expansion
`chambers, curved casing and tight fitting base makes the RENA AIR the
`quietest air pump yet. UL and CUL approved. For 2D—4-5 gallon tank, 1
`adjustable airflow outlet. 3psi. Tune-Up Kit and Replacement Filters
`available. What makes Rena Air pumps different?
`Type: pressurefvacuum
`Max Flow Lfh: 1D9

`htt_n'fJ'w'vvvv nlanetrena comfaduarium-air-pumps html
`11J'l]Eli"2DD?'1D'2E'5B AM
`Il_lIl _,....
`Max Pressure psi: 3.4
`1 rear-mounted
`Flow Control: yes
`Intake: bottom
`Filter: yes
`Voltage: 115v 60h2 (other voltages available)
`Watts: 3
`Dimensions: L S—1,f2" x W 2—5/B" >< 2—5/B"
`Approvals: UL cUL
`1 year
`Weight: 11 O2.
`Sound: >30db
`Outlet Size: 4mm 16in
`Spare Parts Available: diffusors, feet, diaphragms, valve blocks, filters
`PENA® Air EDD Pump
`The Rena Air 3OO is silent, yet powerful air pump with
`more pressure and volume than the Rena Air 200. The
`increased volume and pressure make the pump suited for
`a wide variety of applications requiring more volume or
`pressure. The RA3oo is a very quiet pump (less than aodb) with built—in
`flow control which produces a steady and consistent air flow at all
`settings. The RENA® Air 3OO Aquarium Pump has all the features of the
`Rena Air range, noise suppression chambers, long-lasting diaphragm and
`unique precision locking base. The innovative Lise of expansion chambers,
`curved casing and tight fitting base makes the RENA AIR the quietest air
`pump yet. High pressure enables them to maintain optimum flow rate. UL
`and CUL approved. For 45-ElO gallon tanks, 1 adjustable airflow outlet.
`4.5psi. The unit is easily serviced with Tune-Up Kits and Replacement
`Filters available. What makes Rena Air pump different?
`Type: pressure
`Max Flow L,/h: 140
`Max Pressure psi:
`1 rear-mounted
`Flow Control: yes
`Intake: bottom
`Filter: yes
`Voltage: 115v Euflhz (other voltages available)
`Watts: 4
`Dimensions: L 6—1,f2" x W 3—3/B" >< 3—]./B"
`Approvals: UL cUL
`1 year
`Weight: 17 oz.
`Sound: <3EIdb
`Outlet Size: 4mm .16in
`Cflfifrl mfirkr A\:fiilfi|wiru-
`.4.rr..rr.rr Frmr
`\J‘il\Jru lwlrur-lrr

`htt_p'fJ'wvvw nlanetrena comfaduarium-air-Dumps htrnl
`11J'l]Ell"2DD?'1D'2E'5B AM
`Spare Parts Available: diffusors, feet, diaphragms, valve blocks, filters
`RENA® Air 400 Pump
`is a silont, yot poworful, air pump
`Tho Rona Air /lEIEI
`and the first dual diaphragm pump ever offered by
`Rena. The largest pump in the new Rena Air range,
`this unit is not only quiet but delivers a large volume
`of air with good pressure. Each outlet can be
`individually L:uriLru||eLJ Fur
`iiiaxiiiiuiri flexibility in larger appliualiuris. The uiiiL
`retains all the great features of the smaller pumps in the range including
`noise suppression chambers,
`long—lasting diaphragm, unique precision
`locking base. The innovative use of expansion chambers, curved casing
`and tight fitting base makes RENA AIR the quietest air pump yet. High
`pressure enables them to maintain optimum tlow rate. UL and CUL
`approved. For eo—15o gallon tanks, 2 adjustable airflow outlets. 4.5p.
`Tune-Up Kit and Replacement Filters available. What makes Rena Air
`Speci Ications
`Type: pressure
`Max Flow Lfh: 133 x 2
`Max Pressure psi: 4.5
`Outlets: 2 rear-mounted
`Flow Control: yes
`Intake: bottom
`Filter: yes
`Voltage: 115v Eiflhz (other voltages available)
`Dimensions: L El" N W 4-5/El" H 3-3/4"
`Approvals: UL cUL
`1 year
`Weight: 2lb 3oz.
`Sound: <3Ddb
`OUUI-.‘L Size: 4rrirn .lCllll
`Spare Parts Available: diffusors, feet, diaphragms, valve blocks, filters
`Air Pump Links
`Rena Pumps How They Work
`Replacement Parts for Rena Air Pumps
`Copyrighl 2006, Planetllencr www Plcinelkena com
`Privacy Policy‘ Plunemeno will never sell. lease or
`give-ciway your email address or lhose of friends and relalives.

`hti_lJ'i*'J'\n\r\/trtitr baihrnnmhui i:nmi"ai:ata|ngi"E|ectrlc Showers himl
`i1i"DElJ"2DD? 1D'3?'5D AM
`iBaihroom Hui
`Home [ Taps | Showers | Pumps I Mirr
`You r Basket
`_Items: 0
`‘value: 0
`5 | Accessories | Towel Radiators | Mac-erufclrs | WI: Seats i Basins onhne Catahgtlre > Browse by Catagory > Shower: > Electric Showers
` Aqualisa quartz Electric showers with adjustable height head.
`Qu I-(search
`utmassunnt J
`- Aqualisa showers sliop
`- Armitage Shanks shop
`- Basins shop
`— Grolie Shop
`- Ideal standard Shop
`- Mira showers shop
`-'SalamanderDumps Shnp
`- sanillo Macerators sliop
`-'StuartTurner Pumps
`- Radiator Shop
`— we Seatshop
`- Zazzerl
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`*”‘Spe(iaI lJffers"‘*
`Best Sellers
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`— wc seats
`- aasins
`ual sa Quartz Ele
`More Info
`Quartz Electric prouldes heated temperature controlled water as
`required with no demand on stored hot water. with Aciualisa'
`patented OTD (ouer temp. protection) system which preuents the
`user from selecting dangerously high temperatures il:‘s perfect for
`the whole Family, ideal For additional shower rooms and super-east,-
`to fit!
`. chrome finish
`otwailable in 3.5kW - 9.5l-(W or 1D.5kW power options
`. imposes no demand on stored hot water
`0 Easy to use — seperate on.l'oFF and temperature controls
`o 2 performance selectors for winterfsummer months
`. supplied with 3 spray pattern shower head
`. conforms to BEAB safety standards
`. 2 year mariuFacturer’s guarantee
`N.B: suitable only For connecting to mains water supply
`For Further Tecl'\nical.I'Drnduct Information please uisit
`Adualisa's website (click here]
`Please choose POWER required:
`- s.5kw in chrome @ £133.00 (inc. um’)
`5" QZE95U1 -
`in chrome @ £153.00 (inc. um’)
`1" QZEIDSDJ. — 1a.5kwin chrome @ £173.00 (inc. um)
` Aqualisa Quartz Electric showers with adjustable height head.
`About Us
`Contact Details
`Delivery Information
`Returns Information
`Technical Links
`Aoualisa Showers

`hti_n'i'J'\n\rvw\r baihroomhui l:omi"al:ata|ogi"E|ecirlc Showers himl
`i1i"DE|l"2DD? 1D'3?'5D AM
`site Map
`Terms 82 Conds
`Agualisa Quartz Electric prouides heated temperature controlled
`water as reguired with no demand on stored hot water. with
`Aqua|ise' patented OTD (ouer temp. protection) system which
`preiients the userfrom selecting dangerously high temperatures
`and super-eas-,- to titl
`it's perfect For the whole family, ideal for additional shower rooms
`omiailable in 3.5kw or 9i5kW power options
`.1rnposes no clemancl on stoied riot watel
`0 Easy to use - seperate on.i'oFF and temperature controls
`. 2 performance selectors for wlnterfsummer months
`- SlJDD|led with 3 spray pattern shower head
`o Conforms to BEAB safety standards
`. 2 year rnanuFactl_lrer’s guarantee
`: Suitable only For connecting to mains water supply
`. Whilteflihrlnme finish
`More Info‘
`For Further Technicalfproduct Information please visit
`Aqua|lsa's website [click here)
`lzvlease choose lzlowen required:
`5" QZE852l - a.5kw WHITEICHROME @ £12fl.99 ('inc.HAT)
`5'" QZE952l - 9.5kw WHITEICHROME @ £137.99 ('inc.HAT)
`Save OVER £1Eil].l]l]!! *i"or i'i'mi'ted period only
`The NFIM Mir: llrnl-2 "I119!-I'nn:f:I'ir |I,RI(\M' Flnrh-ir Rhnnlnr,
`The new Mira Azora is the iiero First thermostatic electric shower to
`feature a sheer, Frosted glass Fascia with polished edges Enhanced
`by smooth chrome control and Fittings, the Azora will make a
`statement within any loathroom setting.
`. st-,ilish chrome controls tor temperature and power
`o Contemporary slide bar with sleek chrome soap dish and chrome
`plated 4 mode handset with rub clean nozzles
`. Beckiit orl.l’oFf button with soft white light
`. SMA technologo — Achieiie Temperature Stability of +r— ]..5°c
`. clearscale - Reduces Limescale by up to 50%
`o Sensl-flo - Added User‘ Protection B< Peace OF Mlrld

`htt_n'H\n\rvtr\ilr balhr00ml1Lll l:0ml"acata|0gl"E|e0trlc Shnwers hlml
`i1i"DEll"2DD? 1D'3?'5D AM
`. 2 Year Mira manufacturers guarantee
` 3: Plumbing system compatibility: Mains cold supply
`Fur rurtliei PiuduuL.u‘Taii.Iiiiical Iiiruriiiatiuii
`please iii-si-t Mira showers (click here)
`Price: £264 IJEI (IncIinlino- VAT)
` a E:u.ape Then: u:uL¢l.i|. 9.Bkw EIeI.LriI. Shower.
`Combining prouen technology from the Mira sport showers, with
`contemporary minimalist stylei The Mira Escape Thermostatic co—
`ordinated fittings accentuate it's curued design, and make a
`stunning addition to any bathroom or shower room.
`0 9i8l-(W in Chrome or Satin Chrome finishes
`0 Thermnstatic control ensures safer use, keeping the temperature
`even at all times
`. safe maximum temperature limit, preiients an unsafe showering
`temperature from being reached
`. push button Stal‘tI"Stop with backlit power indicator
`. 2 Year Mira manufacturer guarantee
`N.D: Plumbing system compatibility: Mains cold supplies Fur"tl’ler Prl:ll:lul:l’J'TEchl’li:al Infurmatiun
`Lam, [magi
`please uisit Mira showers [click here)
`Please choose COLOUR requiredi
`5" Mira Escape Thermostatic 9.3l-(W in IZHREIME @ £270.00 (inc.\.rAT)
`(H Mira Escape Therrnflstatic 9.8l-(W in SATIN EHREIME @ £255.00 (inc.\i"AT)
`Q ua ntlty
`Mlra Zest Electric Shower.
`comhining style with performance, the compact zest shower, will fit
`neatly into eyen the smallest of shower areas.
`o Clean white Finish in 2 power clptiuns - 7.5l-\W or 8.5l-\w
`[8.5l<w producing a more forceful water Flow]
`. Mira Response showerhead, with easy-clean ruhher nozzles and
`three exciting spray patternsi Start, soothe and Force

`htt_n':l'J'\n\rvtr\ilr balhr00mhLll i:0mi"acata|0igi"E|e0tric Showers hlml
`l1i"DEll"2DD? 1D'3?'5D AM
`. smooth, accurate temperature control
`. 1 Year manuFacturers guarantee
` B: Plumbing system compatibility: Mains cold supply
`please uisi-t Mira showers (click here) l_ar0ar Irnaoa
`For icurther Product/Technical Il'|FOrlTlalZlO|'|
`Please choose POWER reouired:
`5' Mira zest 7.5kw in White @ £119:00 (iric.VAT]
`5" Mira zest e.5kw in White @ £12200 (iric.VAT]
` Mlra Play 9.5ki-ii Electric shower.
`The Mira i:-lay features Fresh contemporary styling with three
`distinct lclokai It has easy to i.l:e col-ltrclls and a ni.ln'ib=l as hey
`features to suit any bathroom — and any mood.
`. 3 colour options: WhitefChron'ie with white or chrome panel and
`satin with chrome panel
`o 9i5l-(W performance (25% more waterflow than 7.5kw showers)
`o Large push button startfstop and power on indicator light
`. Select 3: Forget controls allows shower to be left at tayourite
`o Phased shutdown safely flushes hot water from shower after use
`o Rub clean handset with rubber nozzles which breakdown lin-iescale
`. iviuiti-mode handset For choice or 3 spray patterns:
`Starty Sciuthe and Force MOVE Info‘
`o 2 year Mira manufacturers guarantee
` : Plumbing system compatibility: Mains cold supply
`Need more Product 8tTecl'inical Inicorrnatidn?
`clitl-t here tn Uisit Mira Showers
`izilease choose IIIJLIJUR required:
`(7 Mira play 9.5kw - wytcyiiiui wnrnz PANEL @ £142.00 (inc.vATJ
`5‘ Mira play 9.5kw - w/cwiiiui IDHRIZIME PANEL @ £152.00 (in:iVJ’-\T)
`- .i
`..r .....,........i.. .. .a.. .. 2

`htt_n'l'J'\n\rw\r\r balhroomhul i:omi"acata|ogi"E|estrli: Showers hlml
`l1r"DEll"2DD? 1D'3?'5D AM
`(‘I Mira Plat; 9.5kW - SATIN wiH1 CHROME PANEL @ E165.DD [lni:.\r'AT)
` huwers
` Larger Image
`The Mira Sport Eleclzrit: Shower.
`Powerful, economical, and one of the UK's best selling Electric
`oAl.|aIlable in 7.5kw, 9.ohw, and 9.shw power options
`a White or White.-‘Chrome Finishes
`(*7 Skw only avar'i‘abi‘e In White/Chrome fr'nr':.h)
`. Claarscala can reduce llI'l'IG§C=lG build up bi; h:|F For better
`performance and longer life
`. opti—Flo deliwers up to 50% more waterflow in the summer than
`ordinaru electric showers
`. sensi-Ho protects the user ow turning off the heater elernents if
`the water-Flow is ob:tri.Id:=d
`0 select 3. Forget controls with power and low flow irlcllcatnrs
`. Mira Logic shower Fittings
`. 2 wear Mira manufacturers guarantee
`N B: Plumbing swsten-i cocnpatioilitwi Malns cold supplu
`Need more Product 8tTecl'lnlcal Inlcorrnation?
`CllCl< here For Mira Showers
`lzvlease choose IJIJWER,-"l2l2|LlJUR required:
`Mira sport 7.5kw in White/Eh!-nme @ £1ss.oo (in:iVr’-\T)
`sport n.nkw in White/Eh!-nme @ £19o.oo (in:iVr’-\T)
`sport n.oI«w in White @ £1.9oioo (inc.w\'rj
`sport n.skw in whine/chrome @ £2o5.oo (in:iVAT)
`sport n.skw in White @ EZDSVDD (irlc.\/'ATj
`")")")")'3) Mira
`Q ua ntlty
`Mlra sport Therrnostatlt: Electric shower.
`Offering all the benefits of the standard iviira sport showers, out
`with additional safety feal:l.lresiTl'le sport Thermostatic prowides an
`easw, conwenient rejuvenating shower, with the reassurance or a
`safe and consistent experience.

`htl_n'fJ'\n\rvw\r halhroomhul i:0mI'a0ata|0gr"E|e0trl0 Showers hlml
`l1r"D9f2DD? 1D'3?'5D AM
`. Whiter"Chron'le Finish in 9.0kw or 9.t:kw power options
`. Thermostatic control ensures safer use, keeping the temperature
`even at all times
`o Safe maximum temuerature limit. urevents an unsafe shciweririu
`temperature From being reached
`. push button Startfstop with backlit power indicator and numbered
`temperature selector
`. 2 Year Mira manufacturers guarantee
`N B: Plumbing system compatibility: Mains cold supplies
`Need more Product 3tTei:hnlcal Inl’cirmati0n?
`click here For Mira Showers
`Please (house POWER required:
`5' Mira sport Thermo 9.okw @ £215.00 [lni:.\a"AT)
`1" Mira sport Thermo 9.skw @ £230.00 [lni:.\a"AT)
` The Mira Sport Max lll.8kW Eleclzriu: Shower.
`UK's most powerful Electric shower. All the benefits oi‘ the Mira
`' 7
`Larger Image
`Sport. plus some additional new exciting features.
`- Available in white or whiterchrdme
`All Hue features of the normal Mira sport electric showers, PLUS
`- opti Flo and 1.0.0 kw power combine to rrlake Mira sport Mae
`the 0K‘s most powerful electric shower
`o Up to 40% more Flow than a 7.5l-«W electric shower
`o Easy to use push button controls to select start-lstop and power
`. Red lights indicate stand—by changing to green once a power
`setting has been selected, they also dim to indicate shutdown
`and sleep modes
`. 2 Year Mira manufacturers guarantee
` :plumbing system compatibility: mains cold supply
`For Further Drol:lui:t.I'Technii:a| Information
`visit Mira Showers [click here]
`Please (house COLOUR required:
`5' Mira Sport Max lD.ElkW - WHITE/“CHROME
`iui:.. 9--.; iui_..
`« n oi.uw , uaurrt

`htt_n'!'J'\n\rvtr\rlr bathrnnmhut cnmr"acata|ngr"E|ectrlc Showers html
`11r"0E|l"200? 103750 AM
`(I Mira Spflrt Max l0.fikW - WHITE
`Price: £220.00 (Including: VAT)
`Quantltu '1
`Larger Image
`temperature control at your preferred setting _
`The Mlra Advance ATL Standard Electric Shower.
`was the first electric shuwer to include safe therrnustatlt: control for
`precise and regulated temperature selection, Now, the Mira
`Advance ATL has been deueloped to prouide greater control, with a
`range of enhanced safety features and greaterflexlbllrt-,-, comfort
`and control forthe whole family.
`ofiuallable Irl 8.7kW and 9.8kW powers
`a Choice of White or Whltefchrome finishes
`oAdjLlstal:i|a temperature limit, wlth a choice of elght maximum
`settincls, lncludirlcl 41°C, renulred For healthcare
`. Mira Response shnwerhead, with eas»,--clean ruooer nozzles and
`four excitlng sprau patterns start, soothe, Force and Eco
`. separate temperature and flow controls allow you to leave the
`. 2 -,«ear Mira manufacturers guarantee
` B: plumbing system compatibility: Malns cold supplu
`rror further Droduot.a'Tecl-mical Inform ation
`please uisit Mira Showers (click here)
`Please choose l:II:lwERand IIEILEIUR requlred:
`Mlraraduance ATL STD s.7kw wHI'IE/(.Hm:n-1: @ £259.00 (|ncr\/AT)
`MiraAduam:e ATL STD 8.7kW' - WHITE @ £279.00 [il'u:.\fAT)
`MiraAduam:e ATL STD 9.BkW' - WHITEICHRIJME @ £290r00 [im:.VAT]
`WWWW MiraAduam:e ATL STD 9.BkW' - WHITE @ £305.00 [il'u:.\fAT)
`Mlra E Ite ST 9.8kW Pumped Electric Shower.
`Ideal if your cold water pressure lS too low or erratic, but uou want
`the benefits of en electrlc shclwer. The Mire Elite CT electric shower
`is designed to work off a grauitu—fed st,-stem taking water from your
`cold watertank rather than the mains, and has a bullt ll'I pump to
`boost the Flow, producing consistent water cleliueru an-,»time.
`o 9,8|-«W in Whitefchrome finish

`hti_n'H\n\rvtr\iv balhroomhul i:omi"ai:ata|ogi"E|ectric Showers hlml
`i1i"DEll"2DD? 1D'3?'5D AM
`Larcler [made
`. sensi—Flo technologi,- prevents verv hot iiiatertrom showering the
`user, making Mira Elite 57 a safer option for you the consumer
`. opti-i=io giues the user optimum Flow perrormance all year round
`0 Clearscale and Rul:C|ean handset keep lirnescale to a rninimiurn
`. Integral pump for strong 3: consistent flow at all temperatures
`o Select 8! forget controls For added user convenience with multi
`mode handset for choice of sprav patterns
`o 2 Year Mira Manufacturers guarantee
` B: Plumbing system compatibility: eraiiitu-teo cold water supplies
`For Further Drodui:t.I'Technica| Information
`please visit Mira Showers [click here)
`£264.I:II:I(1:idi:dii:g: var)
`More Info:
`The NEW Mira Galena 9.8kW' Therrnustaiit: Eleclzrit: Shower.
`oTextured slate eFi‘ect Fascia with the look and feel oi‘ natural slate
`0 Contemporary chrome controls and slide bar with sleek chrome soap
`o 4 mode handset with rub clean nozzle, mirroring the shape of the
`shower controls
`0 Bacl-(lit orl.I’oi‘f control with chrome ring
`0 SMA technologv — Achieve Temperature Stability of +r— J..!°c
`. clearscale - Reduce Limescale by up to 50%
`. Opti-Flo - optimum Floiii Performance All Year Round
`. Sensi-fld - Added user protection by switching off the heat when water
`flow IS restricted
`. 2 vears manufacturers guarantee
` N
`:D|umblrig system compatibility: Mains cold suppiu
`For Further Drodudf.I‘Technica| Information
`please uisit Mira Showers (click here)
`Price: £385.00 (Il|(I||ding: tun)

`Sent As:
`Panasonic Corporation of North America (
`11/12/2007 11:40:02 AM

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