`*ta{"ckqx":2}{v:2}{"n":2}{v}* [bi,ti] not dead [ld]
`*t{v}{"ckqx":2}{v:2}{"n":2}{v}* [bi,ti] not dead [ld]
`2 and 017[cc]
`2 and 017[ic]
`*ta{"ckqx":2}{"iey":2}{"n":2}{v}* [bi,ti] not dead [ld]
`*wat{v}r* [bi,ti] not dead [ld]
`*fal* [bi,ti] not dead [ld]
`6 and 7
`Session started 4/9/2019 6:14:47 PM
`Session finished 4/9/2019 6:29:25 PM
`Total search duration 0 minutes 14 seconds
`Session duration 14 minutes 38 seconds
`Defaut NEAR limit=1ADJ limit=1
`Sent to TICRS as Serial Number: 79255582
`*** User:fhsu ***
`*ta{"ckqx":2}{v:2}{"n":2}{v}* [bi,ti] not dead [ld]
`*t{v}{"ckqx":2}{v:2}{"n":2}{v}* [bi,ti] not dead [ld]
`2 and 017[cc]
`Session started 4/9/2019 6:14:47 PM
`Session finished 4/9/2019 6:24:18 PM
`Total search duration 0 minutes 7 seconds
`Session duration 9 minutes 31 seconds
`Defaut NEAR limit=1ADJ limit=1
`Sent to TICRS as Serial Number: 79255582