`(*SEN* "SEN" "S EN" "SE N" "S E N")[bi,ti] not dead[ld]
`("SEN" "S EN" "SE N" "S E N")[bi,ti] not dead[ld]
`*{"PHF"}{"R"1:2}{V1:2}{"SZ"}H*[bi,ti] not dead[ld]
`2 AND 4
`*{"cqkx"}p{v1:2}r{"iey"}{v}n{"szc"}*[bi,ti] not dead [ld]
`6 AND 2
`(280103 Japanese and Chinese characters)[DC] NOT DEAD[LD]
`(261501 Polygons as carriers or as single or multiple line borders)[DC] NOT DEAD[LD]
`(070106 Other houses)[DC] NOT DEAD[LD]
`2 AND (8 9 10)
`2 AND (8)
`12 AND ("007" "011")[CC]
`*** User:cjohn ***
`Marks Marks
`01 1
`02 20172
`03 222
`04 8368
`05 40
`06 3692
`07 43
`08 19266
`09 1719
`10 5287
`11 453
`12 385
`13 98
`Session started 2/18/2020 2:18:41 PM
`Session finished 2/18/2020 2:28:41 PM
`Total search duration 0 minutes 25 seconds
`Session duration 10 minutes 0 seconds
`Defaut NEAR limit=1ADJ limit=1
`Sent to TICRS as Serial Number: 79260518