`Tuesday, June 07, 2022 10:08:08 AM EDT
`Official USPTO Notification: U.S. Trademark Application SN 79308999 -- Docket/Reference No.
`U.S. Application Serial No. 79308999
`Owner: Panasonic Holdings Corporation
`Docket/Reference No. 8279.2188USI
`Issue Date: June 07, 2022
`Your mark has registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Your United States trademark registration
`number is 6749250.
`View and download your electronic registration certificate using the Trademark Status & Document Retrieval (TSDR) database. If
`you have difficulty accessing the registration certificate, contact the Trademark Assistance Center (TAC) at
`TrademarkAssistanceCenter@uspto.gov or 800-786-9199. For more information on registration certificate options, visit the USPTO's
`electronic registration certificates webpage.
`Order presentation copies online:
`You can order a printed presentation copy in TEAS of your trademark registration certificate. The presentation copy is suitable for
`display and framing. Trademark owners who filed an initial application before May 24, 2022 can order one for free. Owners who file
`an initial application on or after May 24, 2022 can purchase one for $25.
`Requirements to maintain your registration:
`File your registration maintenance documents at the required times.
`If you do not submit your maintenance documents at the required times, your registration will be cancelled. If that
`happens, you must file a new application. Filing a new application doesn't guarantee your trademark will register again.
`Please note the following:
`You may receive unsolicited offers and notices from third-parties not affiliated with the USPTO. All official correspondence
`about your trademark registration will be from the "United States Patent and Trademark Office" in Alexandria, Virginia, and
`all emails will be from the domain "@uspto.gov." Visit our misleading notices webpage for more information.
`If your registration covers products that are likely targets for international counterfeiters (e.g., popular or high-demand
`products), consider applying to record your trademark registration with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
`Recording your trademark registration helps CBP detain and seize imported goods if they violate your recorded trademark.
`Visit our recording trademark registrations with CBP webpage for more information.
`To help ensure that you receive emails from the USPTO, keep your email address(es) current using the Change Address or
`Representation (CAR) form and add USPTO email addresses to your contacts or "Safe Senders" list.
`If your trademark registration contains an error that would not require republication to correct it, or identifies goods and/or
`services not in use with your trademark, you can use the Section 7 Request for Amendment or Correction of Registration
`Certificate (Section 7) form to request correction of that error or deletion of any goods and/or services not in use with your
`trademark. There's no fee to file a Section 7 form if you file the Section 7 form before you file your required registration
`maintenance documents, and you are only deleting goods, services, or classes. Other amendments and corrections may require
`a filing fee. For information on amendments and corrections after registration, see TMEP 1609.
`If you have any questions about this notice, contact TAC at TrademarkAssistanceCenter@uspto.gov or 800-786-9199.