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`         90 PARK AVENUE
`           21ST FLOOR
`    NEW YORK, NY 10016
`APPLICANT: Panasonic Corporation of North America
`  55210/897
`The referenced application has been reviewed by the assigned trademark examining attorney.  Applicant must respond timely and completely to
`the issue(s) below.  15 U.S.C. §1062(b); 37 C.F.R. §§2.62(a), 2.65(a); TMEP §§711, 718.03.
`The trademark examining attorney has searched the Office’s database of registered and pending marks and has found no conflicting marks that
`would bar registration under Trademark Act Section 2(d).  TMEP §704.02; see 15 U.S.C. §1052(d).
`Registration is refused because the applied-for mark merely describes a feature of applicant’s goods.  Trademark Act Section 2(e)(1), 15 U.S.C.
`§1052(e)(1); see TMEP §§1209.01(b), 1209.03 et seq.
`A mark is merely descriptive if it describes a quality, characteristic, function, feature, purpose, or use of an applicant’s goods.  TMEP
`§1209.01(b); see, e.g., In re TriVita, Inc., 783 F.3d 872, 874, 114 USPQ2d 1574, 1575 (Fed. Cir. 2015) (quoting In re Oppedahl & Larson LLP,
`373 F.3d 1171, 1173, 71 USPQ2d 1370, 1371 (Fed. Cir. 2004)); In re, 415 F.3d 1293, 1297, 75 USPQ2d 1420, 1421 (Fed. Cir.
`2005) (citing Estate of P.D. Beckwith, Inc. v. Comm’r of Patents , 252 U.S. 538, 543 (1920)).  
`The applicant’s mark is “RESPONSIVE INFRASTRUCTURE” for “hardware and software for controlling street and building lights, video
`cameras, vehicle movement and back-up energy.”
`The applied for mark is merely descriptive of the identified goods because it immediately refers to a primary feature of applicant’s goods,
`namely, the hardware and software are the fundamental architecture of a system designed to react quickly or keenly to something.
`The dictionary definitions attached hereto support the supposition that applicant’s mark is using the terms in their ordinary understanding to
`describe the goods.  Additionally, attached hereto are websites indicating that other producers of software use these same terms to describe their



`For the reasons stated above, the proposed mark merely describes the main feature of applicant’s goods and registration on the Principal Register
`must be refused under Trademark Act Section 2(e)(1).
`Although applicant’s mark has been refused registration, applicant may respond to the refusal by submitting evidence and arguments in support
`of registration.
`Supplemental Register
`Although an amendment to the Supplemental Register would normally be an appropriate response to this refusal, such a response is not
`appropriate in the present case.  The instant application was filed under Trademark Act Section 1(b) and is not eligible for registration on the
`Supplemental Register until an acceptable amendment to allege use meeting the requirements of 37 C.F.R. §2.76 has been timely filed.  37 C.F.R.
`§2.47(d); TMEP §§816.02, 1102.03.
`If applicant files an acceptable allegation of use and also amends to the Supplemental Register, the effective filing date of the application will be
`the date on which applicant met the minimum filing requirements of 37 C.F.R. §2.76(c) for the amendment to allege use.  37 C.F.R. §2.75(b);
`TMEP §§816.02, 1102.03.  In addition, the undersigned trademark examining attorney will conduct a new search of the USPTO records for
`conflicting marks based on the later application filing date.  TMEP §§206.01, 1102.03.
`online using the lower-fee TEAS Plus or TEAS RF application form must (1) file certain documents online using TEAS, including responses to
`Office actions (see TMEP §§819.02(b), 820.02(b) for a complete list of these documents); (2) maintain a valid e-mail correspondence address;
`and (3) agree to receive correspondence from the USPTO by e-mail throughout the prosecution of the application.  See 37 C.F.R. §§2.22(b),
`2.23(b); TMEP §§819, 820.  TEAS Plus or TEAS RF applicants who do not meet these requirements must submit an additional processing fee of
`$50 per international class of goods and/or services.  37 C.F.R. §§2.6(a)(1)(v), 2.22(c), 2.23(c); TMEP §§819.04, 820.04.  However, in certain
`situations, TEAS Plus or TEAS RF applicants may respond to an Office action by authorizing an examiner’s amendment by telephone without
`incurring this additional fee.    
`/Jill I. Prater/
`Jill I. Prater
`USPTO, Law Office 119
`Trademark Examining Attorney
`TO RESPOND TO THIS LETTER:   Go to   Please wait 48-72 hours from the
`issue/mailing date before using the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS), to allow for necessary system updates of the application. 
`For technical assistance with online forms, e-mail  For questions about the Office action itself, please contact the assigned
`trademark examining attorney.  E-mail communications will not be accepted as responses to Office actions; therefore, do not respond to
`this Office action by e-mail.
`All informal e-mail communications relevant to this application will be placed in the official application record.




`WHO MUST SIGN THE RESPONSE:  It must be personally signed by an individual applicant or someone with legal authority to bind an
`applicant (i.e., a corporate officer, a general partner, all joint applicants).  If an applicant is represented by an attorney, the attorney must sign the
`PERIODICALLY CHECK THE STATUS OF THE APPLICATION:   To ensure that applicant does not miss crucial deadlines or official
`notices, check the status of the application every three to four months using the Trademark Status and Document Retrieval (TSDR) system at
`   Please keep a copy of the TSDR status screen.   If the status shows no change for more than six months, contact the
`Trademark Assistance Center by e-mail at or call 1-800-786-9199.   For more information on checking
`status, see



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`Agile Infrastructure
`Responsive infrastructure that is ready for anything.
`In today’s fast-paced environment, businesses need to respond instantly to changing demands or face the risk of being left behind. Businesses
`are turning to increasingly flexible and adaptive infirasmicture solutions that will withstand ever-changing demands in a way that traditional
`infrastructure — ofien rooted in a 3-5 year refresh cycle — won‘t. The expectation of IT is


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`Responsive infrastructure with Opscode Chef— an introduction
`Published on June 04, 2013 ii Blue Box
`0 o 6 @ifyour application and its dependencies are growing too complex, Dpscode Chef can help you maintain
`your application's agility and responsiveness.
`Sam Cooper works as an Infrastructure Automation Engineer at Blue Box, specializing in Chef. He started working in the IT industry 12
`years ago and for the last two and a half has focused on using Chef to deliver infrastructure solutions. When not coding and learning
`he enjoys running, playing soccer, and rough housing with his 4 and 5 year old boys.
`Chef is an open source configuration managstrongent tool from Dpscode that lets you write code to manage the provisioning of your
`applications and infrastructure. With Chef you can move your servers from what may be a haphazard, sparsely defined provisioning process
`to one that is codified and easily repeatable. We are big fans of Chef here at Blue Box. We use it to deploy and maintain our cloud platform
`and to quickly provision customer deployments.
`Today's web application is more than a web server
`Apps have gone beyond a simple database backed web frontend. Today‘s application is typically a technology stack comprised of many
`different services such as:
`I nginxiApache
`I passengerfunicornlpmna
`I resgueisidekig
`I memcachediRedis
`I load balancerts)
`I mysglir Postgres
`I monitoring [nagios sensu)
`Each service must be correctly configured, running, and in a healthy state for your application function property as a whole.
`It's only going to get more complex
`The proliferation of virtualization and the growth of the cloud make it much easier to build up rich application topologies. Services like Redis,
`AMQP, Hadoop, and Zookeeper are part of the growing grab bag of solutions you can assemble when constructing your application. While
`this should remove compiexity and add functionality to your application, it does add to the management burden of your application’s
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`08f26f2016 01:36:22 PM
`infrastructure. One way to ease this burden is to movethe infrastructure specifications and instructions into code.
`Infrastructure as Code
`Traditionally, only the application layer has been captured in source control. With Chef, your infrastructure code will also live there. This is a
`transformalive change, enabling.
`Code reuse
`Reuse both your own organization's code and community code. There is most likely a cookbook that already exists for whatever you are
`trying to accomplish.
`Examine the node's run_list to find out which services and configurations are on a sewer.
`You will have a very high degree of confidence that your nodes will be the same.
`Elasticity and Repeatability
`Spinning up an extra Hadoop server becomes trivial once you've captured its configuration in Chef.
`Let the nodes configure themselves based on the attributes of their peers. For example, if your web application talks to an AMQP sewer, the
`web server recipe can discover the IP address of that node and write it into its config. Ifyou ever lose your AMQP server, just bring tp a new
`one, and run chef—client on both nodes.
`Source control best practices
`Leverage source control to manage change {Pull Requests, Peer Reviews, Branching, etc.)
`Chef Server vs. Chef Solo
`There are two ways to run Chef, either with a Chef server using a Chef client or standalone using Chef Solo. Both allow you to use Chef to
`configure your infrastructure and capture it in code. Chef server gives you centralized managstrongent and orchestration capabilities you
`don‘t have with Chef Solo. Ifyou need dynamic provisioningthat can respond to the environment and perform service discovery, then Chef
`Server will be required.
`Chef Solo does not olfer a centralized management point {other than the source control repository where you keep your chef code), but it is
`great at doing initial server setups and adding documentation and repeatability to your infrastructure. For many use cases, Chef Solo is more
`than adequate.
`Ifyou are just starting out with Chef server, there are a couple good optiors:
`1. Use Opscode's Hosted Chef. This SaaS offering provides everything you need to use Chef server. You can create an organization
`and manage Lp to five nodes for free.
`Install your own open source Chef Server. With Chef 1 1, the task ofbringing up your own open source Chef Server is a simple two
`step process. The primary limitation of open source Chef is it allows only one name space for your Chef objects. This basically
`means there can only be one organization using it.
`Getting Started
`Opscode has a great tutorial site to help you get started with Chef. This will walk you through:
`I Cloning a termlate chef repository
`- Setting Lp your workstation (installing chef and configuring keys)
`- f‘rnrxtim ran rarrnnnl .ui-lh l—lnr-lnd Phnl'


`08f26f2016 01:36:22 PM
`I Creating an account with Hosted Chef
`I Setting in a local vi finalized sewer via VirtualBox and Vagrant that you will manage with chef
`Once you have captured your application's infrastructure in Chef, your application and its dependencies will be much more agile. You will no
`longer be handcuffed to your sewer instances and can easily recreate and manage your envirorment via your Chef code. Stay tuned fora
`post on howto spin up Chef nodes on your Blue Box cloud using Knife Bluebox.
`Happy Cheflng!
`open SDUI'CE
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`I EuroPython 2016: Pythonic Epicenter in the Heart of Basque Country
`I The IBM internal GitHulJ Enterprise system Running on Blue Box
`I UpenStack East: Aug 23 & 24
`I Getting Started with Kubernetes on IBM Blue Box
`I Cloud Matters: The Right Fit for Hybrid Cloud
`I Load Balancing as a Service on IBM Blue Box
`I Delivering HIPAA on IBM Blue Box Local
`I M—mmmy tvlitaka
`I UpenStack Silicon Valley: August 9 & 10
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`m bug snag
`c.=_=.i.‘9'.' 1'15: c
`Responsive infrastructure with
`Auto Scaling
`Maintaining high availability and performance is universally important, but at Bugsnag: we take
`extra care because its our job to alert product teams when things break in their services. We
`process up to half a billion error events a day, so reliability is huge to us and we have zero
`tolerance for downtime in our backend.
`Another challenge we face is the bighiy uncertain nature of our load. We can’t predict what it’El
`look like because it’s dependent on code deployed by our customers. but we need to be able to
`cope with all future increases. At the same time, we also want to keep our costs reasonable.
`With these responsibilities in mind, we’ve constructed an infrastructure that is flexible but
`resilient in the face of constantly changing load patterns. Using A'x‘i'S Auto cInc-sling, we’ve been
`able to maintain the highest levels of availability.
`Common Load Patterns
`To understand where and how Auto Scaling can be helpful, let‘s take a look at some common
`load patterns in applications.
`Fast Growth
`Fast growth is growth at an increasing rate overtime. This is often what we expect and hope for
`when we first launch a new product or service.
`Seasonal load is characterized by cyclical periods of high load followed by lower load. Netflix is
`a great example of this, where their heaviest load is always in the evenings followed by typically


`http :ffweboaohe.ooooleuseroontent. oomlsearoh?q=oaohe:XIOWIALHN1WJ : bloobuosnao . oomlresponsive—i nfrastruoture—w
`0896:0016 0113615? PM
`low load in the mornings.
`Spiky load is generally the hardest load pattern to predict. and is characterized by acute periods
`of increased load. Spiky load presents unique architectural challenges because you‘ll need to
`figure out how to prepare for those unpredictable spikes.
`On or Off
`On and ofi load are things like scheduled jobs or daily report generation “here at times there
`isn’t any load at alt.
`common load patterns
`Most services don’t fit neatlyr into one of these specific categories — they may transition
`between different load patterns. or display characteristics of multiple at the same time.
`Bugsnag‘s load. for example. looks like fast growth (because we’re steadin adding customers
`over time). seasonal (because our load is heavy during the workweek and lower during the
`weekend)= and also spiky (because sometimes we experience large increases at unexpected
`In a world without Auto Scaling, the challenge then would be to figure out how to handle future
`load for each of these scenarios.


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`0896:0016 0113615? PM
`Ideally. your strategy would allocate enough resources for expected high load points. keeping in
`mind your tolerance level for being underprovisioned. Unfortunately, this approach can actually
`end up being very costly because most of the time you’ll be paying for computing resources that
`aren't in use. In the worst case, you might fmd yourself in a situation where you’re
`underprovisioned and unable to keep up with the demand of your users.
`Auto Scaling is helping us solve this.
`What is Auto Scaling?
`Auto Scaling is a robust approach to backend infrastructure that attempts to scale up resources
`when user demand is high= while also making sure you’re not ox'erpaying for computing
`resources when you don’t need them.
`W'hile it is an extremely useful option. it does require thoughtful configuration in order to- see
`cost savings. When building infrastructure with Auto Scaling, you must be intentional in how
`you configure it by thinking carefully about the needs of your sen-'ice in order to reap the most
`The basics of Auto Scaling
`Auto Sealing can be configured to be flexible in response to more than just CPU usage — if
`you‘re more interested in network usage or the length of a queue. that’s possible too. In fact, you
`can add or remove resources in response to all kinds of events. You can define custom metrics


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`0896:0016 0113615? PM
`and create scaling rules around any custom values you decide to setup; you just need to supply
`the data.
`Another option is to schedule the provisioning of resources instead of doing it dynamically if
`you have confidence in the nature of your fixture load. When you‘re very certain what your load
`patterns look like then this makes more sense.
`The key takeaway here is that you have the ability to scale your resources up and down in
`response to pretty much anything you want. This is why Auto Scaling is really powerful.
`Bugsnag and Auto Scaling
`We discussed it a bit earlier, but at Bugsnag, we have incredibly high and unpredictable load,
`and to date, we‘ve processed over 15 billion crashes while retaining 99.9999999% availability.
`Our notifiers work across all major programming languages and frameworks, and can be
`deployed on server, mobile, desktop. and client-side JS applications. Their job is to detect and
`diagnose every error for our thousands of customers, so anytime one of our customers” users=
`experiences an unhandled exception, Bugsnag is notified.
`We’ve all been there — you have a bad deploy and you see your datastores go down and the
`deluge of errors that result. Whenever something like that happens to our customers, Bugsnag
`gets a massive spike in traffic.
`This nleams we Itueiu: a huge amuunl of (12113 in a way [hall's ahuust impossible for us to predict,
`like when spikes will occur and how large they'll be.
`reqs/min over 2 weeks
`2x increase


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`0896:0016 0113615? PM
`Given all of this uncertainty and the unique nature of our load characteristics, Auto Scaling is
`extremely important for us in order to ensure our performance. availability. and customer
`Bugsnag’s architecture
`Our architecture is setup in multiple layers. Error payloads come into our event servers and are
`placed onto queues that get processed by our fleet of event workers. This processing involves
`writing information about each event into our datastores, which the Bugsnag dashboard and API
`then read flour to surface data to users.
`error payloads
`3V6 nt 56 I'VBI'S
`vent workers
`\ e
`Our main concern is processing incoming payloads at a reasonable rate. Weive made sure that
`we always have enough event servers to handle this load. with zero tolerance for
`underprovisioning. We can then afford to be more flexible with the availability of event
`workers. and have some tolerance for momentary underprovisiong at this level.
`In general. are prefer that event server queues are processed quickly by event workers because
`this means that the view of the world represented in our datastores is an accurate reflection of
`our customers’ application states,
`So how does this work in terms of optimizing for availability and cost?


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`0896:0016 0113615? PM
` l
`Event workers
`Our event workers are stateless: so no data is stored in their process. This is good because in the
`case that an event worker disappears. we haven't actually lost anything. Short term. all data is
`stored in our event servers and is then passed along into our various longtertn datastores.
`As event workers pull events from the event server queues. they must perform very CPU
`intensive processing. The event workers analyze events and write the data to our datastores to
`figure out patterns between events and how to aggregate and match them together.
`event worker
`When we have a spike in error data coming from a customer‘s application. the overall length of
`event server queues increases. \Ve try to clear them quickly so that the event data contained here
`can be surfaced to our users fast.


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`0896:0016 0113615? PM
`To do this. we make sure that queue length in the event sen-'ers stays as low as possible, so me
`have Auto Scaling rules setup that respond to the length of the payload queue. If the amount of
`work to he done on the queue increases. we add more worker instances to process the queue
`more quickly. When the queue length is low and the workers aren=t heavily using CPU. we scale
`down to fewer workers to take advantage of the the cost benefits of having less computing
`event worker
`event worker
`event worker
`Spot and on demand instances
`Our eTen worker fleet is made up of on demand and spot Instances.
`Spot instances are excess computing capacity that is available in a bidding marketplace. The
`pricing for spot instances is based on supply and demand so when there is less excess capacity,
`the spot price increases. and vice versa. If your bid price is more than the current spot price: you
`get access to the instances you bid on. The major advantage here is that they’re much cheaper, in
`general. that on demand instances. If you‘re looking to use spot instances: it’s important to know
`that they can disappear at any time: so your use case needs to be able to tolerate this with
`protection against disappearing instances.
`0n demand instances are generally more expensive. but you know you will have them when you
`need them.


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`0896:0016 0113615? PM
`Additional savings from spot instances
`We’ve architected our event worker fleet to be made up of both spot and on demand instances=
`so we can take advantage of the low cost of spot instances without negative drawbacks.
`We’ve biased our Auto Scaling rules towards the usage of spot instances when they’re available
`for their lower cost. They are our first Auto Scaling group and we try to scale them up
`aggressively, and scale down slowly. Our second Auto Scaling group is made up of on denland
`instances which we scale up conservatively and scale down aggressively because of their higher
`cost. When possible we prefer that spot instances pickup the slack after we scale down on
`demand instances.
`There are times when our bid price is below the spot price and so we can’t get spot instances= or
`we’re experiencing a particularly large spike which requires both spot and on—demand instances
`to handle.
`This spot and on demand approach has proven to be very effective for us and so it’s useful to
`consider if spot instances may be able to help you meet your technical challenges too at a lower
`Auto Scaling might be helpful to your company for achieving high levels of availability and
`resource optimization. To get started, AWS elders great developer resources and documentation
`to help you decide if Auto Scaling can work for you. Keep in mind that thoughtful configuration
`and careful implementation is essential if you decide to use Auto Scaling for your infi'astrucmre.
`Share this article
`Subscribe to the blog
`Bugsnag helps you capture and fix errors in all your applications.
`We write about engineering and building Bugsnag.
`Learn about bugsnag


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`08f26f2016 01:40:0Y PM
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`Simon Dittlmann
`My Book Shelf
`Responsive infrastructure - or how to handle
`microservices with CoreOS and AWS (1)
`This is the first part of a series of three blog articles. This first one gives a more theoretical overview about how I
`layer an infrastructure.
`Recently the micro-service architecture style is growing a lot but even without such an architectural approach you
`probably have to run a lot of diflerent software components in your data center to provide a simple application.
`Just think about what you need for a single application you might develop. Your stack could look like the
`DNS entries
`IP routing
`firewall settings
`Virtual Machine I Server
`operating system
`load balancer
`tomcat with your application running
`log aggregation service
`performance metrics
`This means even a simple application needs some other services to run properly. in a more classic approach
`you would setup all the required software once and for each deployment you would replace just your developed
`binary {e.g. your war file]. To have a more scalable approach it’s good to start with a short planning. Let's try to
`sort each of the listed pieces in one of the three followi

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